A new interview has appeared online featuring Pink Floyd : Live At Pompeii director Adrian Maben.
The interview has appeared on Italian news website Republican and has confirmed a expanded and re-released edition of the 1971 feature film…
You can read the original Italian interview by clicking here
To read the English translation by clicking here
Pink Floyd At Pompeii, book is an incredible journey undertaken by the authors with Adrian Maben, director of “Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii“.
The film, shot in 1971, has fascinated generations for over forty years and is still extraordinarily lively in the imagination of rock fans; more so because it came at a crucial time over the course of the two years when Pink Floyd, an underground band, became international rock stars – the years of Meddle and The Dark Side of the Moon.
The book digs deeply into the folds of that era and examines the vast ocean of facts and anecdotes, behind the scenes events, memorable stories and precious documents kept by the director. Mr. Maben often tells in first person, providing the narrative with authenticity and historical documentation. His active collaboration has made this book sort of a personal memorial; along with his personal memories, the director has made available the entire archive he kept for over forty years, with mostly unrealeased material.
The book consists of thirteen chapters divided into different subsections.
To further enhance the vast iconography, the book presents collectors’ rarities belonging to The Lunatics, the group of mega collectors among which are the authors themselves.
This is the third book of the group and follows the two successful books, “Pink Floyd. Storie e Segreti” (2012) and “Il Fiume Infinito. Tutte le Canzoni dei Pink Floyd” (2014), both published by Giunti Editore.
You can find purchase the book from the italian amazon store by clicking here
(Thanks go out to forum member cRaB for making us aware of the article)