A Fleeting Glimpse had the opportunity to witness Les Claypool’s Fearless Flying Frog Brigade at The Salt Shed in Chicago, Illinois! If you didn’t know the band play all of Pink Floyd’s Animals album in its entirety! Now, since this is a Pink Floyd dedicated website we feel it’s only right to share thoughts on the Animals portion of the show. However, the entire set was absolutely amazing, the musicianship in this band is top notch.
For those who don’t know Les Claypool is a master of the bass and leads the band Primus and he’s put together a supergroup of sorts and while he’s handling all of Roger and David’s bass parts and most of the lead vocals he comes packing with Harry Waters on keyboards and vocals, Sean Lennon on guitar and vocals, longtime Claypool percussionist on the xylophone/vibraphone Mike Dillon and Paulo Baldi on drums.

Pigs On The Wing, Pt 1 Donned in military outfits and pith helmets, sans Les who is donning his trademark derby hat and Sean with a captains cap. The stage is bathed in blue lights and the moment Sean started playing the crowd went absolutely nuts! Les singing this one with Harry handling Rick’s parts on keys. The almost folky Pink Floyd love song immediately turns into a Les Claypool song. Then comes Dogs to be expected as they play this version in the album order unlike the Floyd who did it in a different running order on their 1977 In The Flesh tour.
Their version of Dogs has Sean masterfully doing his own thing, not trying to copy David Gilmour in any way, but remaining true to the source. Think of this as like a funkier more heavier version of Animals. Les’ bass is so deep but rich in those mids it cuts through the mix and makes Pink Floyd’s masterpiece feel like a Claypool piece, he’s making it clear he’s not doing an impression of Roger and let me say they make it known from the get-go this is no cover band! Paulo handling Nick’s parts really well, he’s tight.
The biggest difference on this version adding to its unique sound is Mike’s percussion it really adds a whole new sound to what you have come to expect and I dug it. Sharing the lead vocals with Les on this is Harry, who takes over just after the barking dog section and does he sing just like his Dad! I love the added detail that Les let him take over on this section as that is the section Roger has taken over live on his In The Flesh tour, Desert Trip shows and Us + Them tour respectively. Seeing a small group of musicians play this tune almost harkens back to when the Floyd played it as “You’ve Got To Be Crazy” in 1974/1975, as they had to carefully choose what parts to play as there are no extra musicians to handle the multiple layers of keys and guitars needed, IE: Rick handling the Moog harmonies doubling David’s guitar. They pulled it off perfectly!

The daunting organ kicks in for Pigs (Three Different Ones) this is played more closely to the album, Les belting out Roger’s snarly vocals and its wicked! Pink Floyd’s trademark greasy funk is amplified here. Proving he’s the right band leader for the Frog Brigade, he’s full on front man presence! He understands the assignment. This one plays out as you expect, but there’s subtle differences like Mike’s percussion adding brightness in the mix and Paulo is proving he can handle Nick Mason’s task of less is more on the drums and yes… we have COWBELL! It wouldn’t be Pigs without it.
The middle jam section sees Sean’s talkbox solo, again he’s taking liberties here and doing his own thing, I found myself grooving so hard to this. After the final verse comes the famous outro jam, with the band full on rocking, Les doing the signature E minor scale in octaves. They didn’t change much to this one but they didn’t have to its a pretty straightforward angry/punk track.

Next up is Sheep Harry brilliantly following the groundwork laid by the beloved Richard Wright, once again proving his DNA runs deep through this material. This one plays out like the album as you’d expect. Sean takes the lead vocals on the verses with Les on the chorus. Sean’s voice modulated just like the record, making the hairs on my neck stand up with his delivery! This one musically almost feels like “Raving and Drooling”, with its lack of added dubs, which is hard to do as a 5 piece and as I’ve said they make it work brilliantly. it just adds to the over all gusto of the band.
The middle break has all the trademark sounds sans the Psalm 23 parody which I did miss. Virtuoso Sean playing the outro guitar riff sending us off on our way. The bulk of the material has now concluded, and as we end with Pigs On The Wing, Pt. 2 its played the same as Pt. 1. It ended with a HUGE applause from the audience. What we seen here tonight was a celebration of in my humble opinion the greatest rock n roll record ever put to tape.
They make it known they aren’t doing it note for note but they don’t have to, there’s enough talent here that they don’t need to. Everyone shows what they’re made of, and bring it 110%. I say don’t sleep on The Fearless Flying Frog Brigade, go out and support them. They’re an amazing band and put on a great show!! – Review/Photos by Lead Editor Tony Rapata
The Summer Of Green tour is about to conclude on July 15th, but they will be back in October playing 10 more dates for The Hunt For Green October tour. We highly suggest you go and see them, don’t sleep on it. Its definitely a once in a lifetime performance! For more information and tickets go to https://lesclaypool.com
Huge thanks to Les’ management and Harry Waters. Lots of love always.