Thanks to William Ashman
To keep this brief, I am huge fan that had some nice seats 1st row stage right. I cannot believe they allow digital cameras in these venues like they do now… I forever wanted to be able to shoot photos freely.
• The pig flew once more into the nite sky…”Impeach BUSH”
• The astronaut was powered this time, no cords holding him unlike Fridays show.
• The large widescreen appears newer on the US tour.
It appears to me to be one hell of a huge LCD Screen unlike earlier Projections. NICE!
The highlight for me during these shows were the (2) Final Cut tunes and (2) Wall tunes “Vera&BringTheBoysBackHome”. I decided to forget the photo taking and shoot some digital camera video/audio during Vera & BTBBH. Love the pyro during BTBBH.
Roger thank you for great nites! Well worth the extra cash on tickets this tour.
Review & above pictures thanks to William Ashman
Wow. I couldnt believe the day was finally here when I would go see my idol live “In The Flesh”. We got there just in time for the concert and it was PACKED. almost every seat was full. i would say that about ten thousand people were there, and he also played a show yesterday night to about fifteen thousand people.
The Concert started with In The Flesh, Pyro from the roof and the floor came shooting out when the first note was played. Everyone went crazy. Then he got into Mother. This performance was perfect. Katie Kissoon impresses me yet again with her vocals in this one. Besides some guy yelling “Go Fuck Your Mom” it was an awsome song.
Then Set the Controls started. This was when everyone started smoking the pot. guys all around me lit up joints and sang along. great time.
Then Shine On started. Pics of Syd were projected and everyone sang along and remembered Syd. A bubble machine blew bubbles all over the crowd. Then we had Have a Cigar. This was NOT lip-synched. i watched with my own eyes as he appeared on the Giant screen. Kilminster did a pretty good job on the solo (people are gonna hate me when i say i thought he was good).
Wish You Were Here started with the radio sequence, everyone heard it and went crazy, taking out their lighters. I unfortunatly didnt have a lighter so I waved by Phone around. Everyone was teary as a big pic of syd appeared on the screen and rose pedals fell over the image.
Then it was time for Southhampton Dock. Not much to say about that song. The Gunners Dream was dropped from the setlist and they went straght into Fletcher Memorial Home. I felt in foreign territory when I was the only one who knew the song and sang along.
Then the “Stop Daves” started. EVeryone flipped cause they loved the song. A giand astronaut floated all aroung the stage. great vocals from PP Arnold as usual. Leaving Beruit got a couple boos but a majority of the people gave loud cheers (MA is definatly a liberal state). Andy had a great guitar solo at the begining and end of the song. When he sang “dont fuck it up for rest of the world” everyone stood up and went crazy. it was a bush hater crowd tonight!
Sheep began…the sounds of the Sheep came from all directions. about halfway through the song out pops the pig (pics coming)! It was covered with many anti-bush phrases…mainly bush written across the pigs ass.
Fifteen minutes break and the heartbeats start. They took out the “ive been mad for fucking years” voice for some reason and Breathe seemed to start way too quickly. Breathe was great.
On the Run was spectacular. for the only pink floyd song i ever skip my jaw dropped to the floor. it was great when they added sounds such as trains and racecars. The visuals were amazing.
Time and Breathe Reprise were amazing…Jons voice echoed through the stadium and everyone was happy.
The Great Gig In The Sky was one of the best performances of the night. Karol Kenyon (sp?) was great at screaming her lungs off…a hard task with the retched smell of pot in the air.
Money was pretty good…as usual…what u usually hear on most live sets. Us and them was the usual. Jon Carins amazing voice and Ians beautiful sax work.
Any Colour was great…Kilminsters solo was amazing (yes now u hate me even more).
Brain Damage and Eclipse was basically a big sing along….u couldnt hear anything but the crowd. A little break and out they come. Roger introduced the band.
Happiest days started with the hellicopter…amazing performance. Another Brick was the usual…pretty much identical to the In The Flesh version with the verses played three times.
Vera started and everyone was surprised yet happy cause they never hear too much of it. Bring the Boys Back home may sound boring on the album…but live it was spectacular. Graham Broad was amazing on the snare and there were explosions everywhere! it looked like land mines were being set off.
The medley of sounds played and Comfortably Numb started. The crowd stood up and everyone sang along. Roger messed up and forgot to sing “relax” and went straight to “I need some information…”. that was forgivable and the rest of the band accomidated for the couple of seconds lost. The solos were pretty good live…tho on a DVD everyone would probably hate it.
The concert was amazing and wish i could see it again. too bad for all those people who werent able to get tickets…this was amazing.
Review thanks to Groovybass77

Roger getting ready to spray the pig. Pic thanks to Bob Rautenstrauch
I saw Roger at the Tweeter Center in Mansfield, MA, started at 8:18pm.
That show was EXCELLENT! Every song was fun for Roger, for his bandmates, for us. Fabulous job by everyone in the band, but special kudos to the ladies. As always they knocked me out with their power, passion and great F***kin pipes! Damn they are fantastic.
“Set the Controls to the Heart of the Sun” was well done. Most of the crowd where I was were swaying in their seats until about the middle of the first set. When “Wish You Were Here” started everyone got on their feet and the lighters came out all over the place. Loved all the pictures of Syd up on the screens.
No problem with Roger’s political views tonight, as “Perfect Sense” and “Leaving Beirut” were played brilliantly, sung brilliantly and met with cheers.
If you have read other reviews you’ve read about the Pig as “Sheep” ends. It’s all true and I just loved it! I got a couple really good pictures of it, even though I only had my cell phone camera.
Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety was a dream come true. I had the goofiest smile on my face the whole time I wasn’t singing along. Which the whole place was doing!, it was great!
The encores were as good as ever. Loved ending with “Comfortably Numb”, and yes I was by that point. Thankfully, I wasn’t driving.
All in all an absolutely wonderful time was had by everyone I saw and heard on the way out and while in the midst of it all. I don’t think I’ll have a voice tomorrow!
I haven’t missed one tour since 1985, I’m glad I saw this one and I’m looking forward to the next one. What a good time I had! If you have tickets to an upcoming show, congratulations, you have a great show to look forward to. If you don’t have tickets…get them! Well worth the $!
Keep Rocking Roger.
Review, ticket scan & above pictures thanks to Robynne Wildman Cote
A fantastic show which I would say was flawless. Even with the Comfortably Numb hiccup.
The band was solid from the guitar playing to the sax performance by Ian Ritchie.
Roger’s voice seemed right on tonight and at 63 is going strong!
The visual aspects to the show were very good and the pig was seen far into the night sky as it literally went towards the orange colored moon in the Mansfield night. The real moon actually changed colors during the night adding to the shows effectiveness.
Dark Side of the Moon was just phenomenal and never sounded better.
Review & above pictures thanks to Paul Bousquet
This show was a tour de force. Roger kicked off the show with an exceptional rendition of “In the Flesh” complete with marching hammers on a gigantic plasma TV in the background of the stage. He followed this signature song with “Mother” which definitely should have been performed by Roger in its entirety. Instead, a female vocalist substituted for David Gilmour causing the song to lose a bit of its power.
“Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” was fabulous due in most part to the tantalizing saxophone work. Overall the band was tight. I was most impressed with Roger’s voice which boomed during “Have a Cigar” and one of my personal favorites: “The Fletcher Memorial Home”.
The only low point of the night was a recently authored song, “Leaving Beirut”. The beauty of Floyd’s music is the subtle references to the injustice of war and political inequities among other timeless themes. During this song in which there was a cartoon explaining the song, the requisite Pig floated over the audience emblazoned with slogans such as “Vote Democrat”, “Kafka Rules” and appropriately on the tail end of the swine, “Impeach Bush”. The song itself was not Roger’s best work regardless of its political message.
The performance of Dark Side of the Moon during the second act was amazing. The rendition of “The Great Gig in the Sky” made the listener’s soul want to reach out and touch the sky. It was truly awesome. Instrumentally speaking the set was flawless but the band sorely missed the soothing voice of David Gilmour on “Us and Them.
The concert culminated with “The Happiest Days of our Lives”, “Another Brick in the Wall Part 2”, “Vera”, “Bring the Boys Back Home”, and “Comfortably Numb”. Fantastic show – rock on Roger and please come again.
Review & ticket scan thanks to Mark Mazelli
I didnt know what to expect at the Tweeter Center.
I had see Waters three times, in LA for THE WALL which were some of the greatest days of my life, in MA somewhere i saw RADIO KAOS, a great show and a few years back at the Tweeter for a scaled down and not very good show that featured a slide projector for not so special effects.
Well the show on Saturday was awesome. The Tweeter was as packed as ive ever seen it. The three huge screens looked great, and while nothing can compare to the Wall, the use of the screens was excellent.
Loved the idea of a mix of tunes in the first set and DSOTM in the second set.
The highlight for me was Shine On with the photos of Syd on the screen, the crowd went crazy…………
.Leaving Beruit was ok but Waters talking to the crowd before was great, he rarely says much and I really liked the personal touch…..
Sheep was intense and the crowd really roared…….
DSOTM was done well and the chicks were great and the guitar players did a great job. Waters voice was on the whole night. The encore was great also but Comfortably Numb was just on……..nothing will replace the memory of Gilmore on top of the wall in Los Angeles ripping those leads (the highlight of that show).
After the show the expereience made me think about how rare it is to create a great album, there are so few, and when and if you can create one its amazing to think that 30 years later a packed stadium will show up to hear it and be as loud as any crowd you have ever heard.
I tried to give Waters a LORDS ORPHANS cd but they wouldnt let me get to the stage and the soundman wouldnt take it, he told me he never sees him. All in all a great show.

Thanks to John Shack
Set List
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
SECOND HALF: Dark Side of the Moon.
ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.
Official set list. Thanks to Paul Kray

Thanks to Steve from Lords Orphans