Thanks Will Taber

Thanks Will Taber


Thanks to Tim Scribner

Having never been to a mountain, I knew this would be an interesting show to see. My wife and I met Will Taber on the Sunday before the Denver show to spend the day driving through the gorgeous Rocky Mountain Range. Will was an absolute pleasure to be with and a great guide. We even went through the Stanley Motel that inspired Stephen King’s “The Shining.” While we were driving through the mountains, Will was playing the Tampa Show on the CD player in the car. Let me tell you it was a perfect setting. Just Trish, Will, Roger, the mountains and myself.

On to show day. The day of the show I went to the box office at 10:00 am to try and upgrade my tix. Unfortunately, all that was left was lawn seats, so I stuck with my seats in section 203 row W. After I found there to be no seats available I went ahead and tried to walk into Fiddler’s and had no problem in doing so. In fact I actually sat in my seat 10 hours before show time watching the roadies set up the stage. Quite a view.

My wife and I arrived in the parking lot at 6:00 and chatted with friend Mark Strand, who is always great to see. Mark was equally excited to see the show. It was great fun meeting people. I had on my Harvested Tee and only saw one other gentleman with the same shirt. I got quite a few looks however.

The show was the same 2000 set list and boy was Roger in top shape. His songs were much more animated than last year when I saw him in KC and Chicago. Last years show were great but this year you could tell he is really gelling with the band to create a truly awesome concert experience. As always my favorite tune of the night was in the words of my four year old son, “That Hold On Soldier Song.!” (Perfect Sense) Beautifully done. At concerts end we talked with many people and many of whom are new Roger fans. Truly great to see.

Jon Kruse, Nebraska

Pics thanks to Will Taber

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