A nervous looking Roger is ushered through the airport by security guards
Roger Waters show on the 12th March in the Estádio Olímpico, was more than a Pink Floyd revival. Also it was not only one lesson of as to sonorizar and to illuminate a rock concert. It was also a fact to the height of the main creator of the disk The Wall, therefore it was enough to look at public it and to discover that the barrier of the generations was knocked down by the former-leader of the Pink Floyd. The evidence could be seen already to the afternoon, in the strings that waited the hour to enter in the Olímpico. The autonomous worker Renato Varella, 40 years, represented the section of the experienced fans. It left Lages, in Santa Catarina, to 23h of monday and lode of motion to attend the show of the former-Pink Floyd. The students of Porto Alegre Lucas Fontana, 17 years and Gustavo Gomes, 20, represented the young guard. They had arrived at the Estádio
Olímpico at 22h of monday, had slept in front in beds improvised with cardboard to gate 7 and still they had kept some places in the string so that other friends could follow the inbound of ídolo in the Salty airport Son, in the beginning of the afternoon of terça. I killed lesson to be able to be in the string, but he goes to be valid the penalty – he counts Gustavo. The student was certain. The British pontualidade of Roger Waters waited until 21h05min to start the show. E the jettison was in high style. In the Flesh in the boxes, a rain of sparks and the telão of 23m x 11m showing scenes of the film The Wall. The 90 following minutes had been a diving in the workmanship of the Pink Floyd, what it means a great choir of the public singing ” Hey, teachers, leave the kids alone “, in Another Brick in the lighted Wall and lighters in first notes of Wish You Were Here.
The French equipment of the In show the Flesh showed to its force beginning no longer. The ground of the guitarists Andy Fairweather-Low and Snowy White and of the tecladista Andy Wallace (especially in Welcome you the Machine) walked in the way public it, in boxes of sound spread in the lawn it Olímpico. In Dogs, psicodelia was little. Of new the instrumental divagações, while green lights explored the auditorium. The second part of the show started with the devaneio of Set the Controls will be the Heart of the Sun, vovó of the repertoire, launchn in 1968, that it places in xeque the concept of that is modern. Roger Waters was more untied. After reheating the public with Breathe, Teams and Money, classics of the disk The Dark Side of the Moon, had come successes of the alone phase of Waters. No longer final, plus a dose of Dark Side of the Moon with musics Brain Damage and Eclipse, closing with a shining duel of guitars of Snowy and Andy in Comfortably Numb, before the bis the unknown Each Small Candle.
About the end, who thought that it would be only one saudosista exercise if it surprised. Technical perfect, inside and it are of palco, In the Flesh is a show for fans of the music of the Pink Floyd and for fans of a good spectacle. E is also plus one tijolinho in the scaling of Porto Alegre to become point of pass of great the turnês international.
A legend of rock could be heard and be felt by the gauchos. After de Eric Clapton in the passed year, Roger Waters, former-integrant founder and of the Pink Floyd, it stepped on in the Estádio Olímpico, passing of 21h, for a presentation that will be in the memory of the public, who did not arrive to crowd the estádio. The example of shows of Santiago of Chile and Rio De Janeiro, Roger Waters initiated the presentation with ‘ In The Flesh ‘, music that gives name turnê. The show, with little more than three hours of duration, was divided in two parts, with interval of 20 minutes. In the first one, it paraded classic as ‘ Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 ‘, ‘ Mother ‘, ‘ Wish You Were Here ‘ and ‘ Shine On You Crazy Diamond ‘. Of few words, Waters practically only directed the public to announce the interval. In the rollback, he attacked with pearls of the well-known album ‘ The Dark Side Of The Moon ‘, beyond some its alone career.
The atemporalidade of the repertoire of the Pink Floyd was transparent in the excellent execution of the band and the great prominence of the show was same the sound. All-surround used in turnê extended, in very, the quality of the sound inside of the estádio and, ally to the projected pictures in the telões, provided a great spectacle.
If the brain of the lendário Pink pairava some doubt on who age Floyd, Roger Waters assumed definitively this commitment with a show that left me wanting more.
In The Flesh
The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2
Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
Southampton Dock
Pigs On The Wing, Part 1
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5
Welcome To The Machine
Wish You Were Here
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 6-9
Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Breathe (In The Air)
The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking, Part 11
(5:06 AM – Every Stranger’s Eyes)
Perfect Sense (Parts I and II)
The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range
It’s A Miracle
Amused To Death
Brain Damage
Comfortably Numb
Flickering Flame
Above material thanks to Leandro Karasinski
Thanks to Fernando Menegotto H.