Thanks to ‘Bruno’
It was a miracle… I was eleven the last time I saw Roger in Paris… 18 years after, it was a great pleasure to see him live again. Bercy was sold out with 15 000 people, in 1984 there was only half of that number… Like 18 years ago I was with my father, Gérard, a great Roger’s fan. He has seen PF a lot of times on several tours in 70’s. The last time he saw the complete band, it was for the Wall live in London. In 1984, he brought me to see Roger Waters and David Gilmour in their solo tours. My first shows. I was certainly the youngest in the audience in this time ! In my childhood, P.F. was the only music I could hear ;-): I’m born with them !
We didn’t hope to see Rog a new time live. I bought tickets the first day then we have good places. A lot of european people were in Bercy: english, italian, deutch… Just 1 date for “In the flesh tour” in France… The audience was very various with young and older people. It’s good to know that people remember Roger and not only PF.
The show was perfect. Roger seems to be happy to play here.The first part was classical. On “The happiest days of our lives was fantastic”, I was down-under ! The end of “Shine on…” was not the good than on the DVD version, I thought a moment they would stop the song ! The only negative point is that Chester Kamen is not a great singer… I was waiting for Time and Graham Broad’s solo. Excellent ! Not disapointed. Nothing special on the others songs. It was so fantastic to here them again.
The second part with songs of Roger’s solo career was for me the best part. For the first time (and last !) we could hear live songs from Amused to death. Great emotion. On “Perfect Sense” Rog came near people for singing with us. On “Comfortably numb” audience stand up to sing with the band and some people rushed near the stage. Kamen and White climbed on the top of the stage… very good ! One of the best moment… They played “Flickering flame” in encore. I would have prefer “Each small candle”, but…
For me it was a very good show. Roger’s voice is always ok and the bands seems to be always motivate on the end of the tour. Bercy’s sound was clean and not too loud. We could appreciate all effects…
Thanks Rog. I think it was certainly the last time we could see him live, then I’m a little bit sad…
Thanks to Benoit Nayrac
A very good show and the trip from Malta to Paris was well worth it! The band played extremely well and Roger’s singing was simply excellent. I do not recall any hitches whatsoever except that Roger skipped the first lineof Mother. The show was relatively weak in terms of light effects but the sound was brilliant. The audience was a good mix of young and old alike and they warmed up very easily especially whenever Roger moved closer to the edge of the stage. It’s difficult to say what the highlight was but Perfect Sense must have elicited the greatest applause together with Comfortably Numb. Towards the end of the show, when Roger was singing CN, people were allowed to leave their seats and approach the stage. A good number tried to get as close to their hero as possible and it was all very emotional. I really liked Flickering Flame because unlike the version found in the new solo-years album, a lot of backing vocals were added making it sound much better. The show was being covered live by RTL2 105.9FM. The only negative aspects of the show: too many people smoking around me – extremely difficult to breathe some good air! Also, the official merchandise was quite expensive. But then, it can’t be all perfect can it?
Thanks to Martin (Malta)
“I met Roger Waters. On June 19, 2002, I flew from Philadelphia, PA to Paris, France strictly to see Mr. Waters play. Though the whole trip would end up costing a tad over $2,000, it was well worth it because of what transpired. It happened like this. Me and my buddy Tim were walking around the Palais Omnisport (venue) in hopes of finding out where to enter the building at about 6:30 (2 hours before showtime). About fifteen people were sitting outside of a gate in the back of the venue waiting for Roger to show up. One person who spoke broken English showed me quite an impressive collection of signed albums including The Final Cut, The Wall, Animals, and such. He said that he was waiting there for four hours for Roger to come. Well, we waited for about twenty minutes when the band drove in. No Roger. About fifteen minutes after that, Roger came down in a van and drove into the Omnisport. I snapped about six pictures of him in the van, and was completely overwhelmed.
Anyway, the van drives about 100 feet into the venue and stops. I thought it was cool that we saw him in the van, and was content with that. All of the sudden, he starts walking towards us!!!! Long story short, he came up to the gate and signed an item for about 15 of us.? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! I could not stop shaking. I had just flown from Philadelphia to Paris to see the concert and ended up meeting my idol. Unreal.
Anyways, needless to say the concert was magnificent. My only complaints were that the French are very reserved, no one was standing or singing or anything. Everyone just sat in their seats. Two, Chester Kamen is not a very good singer. Three, Chester completely changed guitar solos to WYWH, some parts of Shine On, and various other songs. While I love a little change in the solos here and there, the solo change in WYWH just made the song feel different. But I am done complaining, the show was AWESOME. Roger was his brilliant self. Sang Every Strangers Eyes with no lip synching. Flickering Flame was great, really poured himself into it. Oh, our seats were 10 rows from center stage, terrific seats. After Brain Damage/Eclipse, we rushed the stage and were about 5 feet from Mr. Waters. All in all, an INCREDIBLE trip. Well worth the money and then some.”
Thanks to phatbo269@bolt.com