Pictures on this page thanks to Jose Mendes

Check out this almost evangelical picture! The light seems to be emanating from the upraised hand and shining on Roger!
I’m really speechless tonight. I just saw Roger Waters for the second time in the same weekend. The second Lisbon show was absolutely the best concert I ever attended in my whole life, and I’ve seen a lot. I was there at the front row which was a new experience to me but allowed me to take some great photos. The sound was again superb, the crowd made Roger very happy. He was indeed happy when he thanked a lot, smiled, and said we had been a brilliant crowd and he was very happy. He played Each Small Candle this time. The rest of the set list was a copy of the first Lisbon night. Oh, and Chester is a superb guitar player. That man made me fly a couple of times. I met Roger earlier in the day as well as the whole band. I asked Roger about his new album and he said he would finish it after the tour.
Really, I’ll probably write a deeper review, but right now, I’m speechless.
Show pics & review thanks to Jose Mendes

Jose & Roger

Thanks to Jose Mendes
In the flesh pt2
The happiest days of our lives
Another brick in the wall pt2
Get your filthy hands off my desert
Southampton dock
Pigs on the wing 1
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Shine on you crazy diamond part
Welcome to the machine
Wish you were here
Shine on part2

Jose & Andy Fairweather Low
Breathe (reprise)
Every Strangers eyes
Perfect sense 1 and 2
The bravery of being out of range
It’s a miracle
Amused to death
Brain damage
Comfortably numb
Each Small Candle
It was 19.20pm of a thursday, when i got a call from a local radio, telling me that i have been awarded the prize, to be in a showcase with Snowy White here in a local bar, because of a competition i’ve participated. i got shocked with this notice. they told me to be there at 22.30h . Snowy got there at 23.20, i think, and after a few songs from him with his band, The White Flames, i could go there to know him personnaly. but i saw myself without a pen or a paper to ask him for an autograph.i ask the barman to give me a pen and a paper, and he gave me the pen and a napkin (?). His drummer in the White Flames (Juan van Emmerloot)was near me signing a few autographs too, and i gave him the napkin to his hand so that he could sign it. He looked at me laughing, and i laughed too, and i told him:”That’s the only thing i have.” , and he said :” ok, hold on a minute here, i’ll not forget. Wait here!” And that’s what i did. He sign a few more autographs to people around and went to his drums material, to get something that i tought it would be a paper to sign. He came back to me with one of his “drums stick” originally autographed. I got myself surprised, because i wasnt expecting that.
Anyway, after that, i got closer to Snowy and he signed his name on a decent paper that in the meanwhile a friend of mine gave to me. He also signed a promotional cd from his latest work. “Restless” album. I’ve talked with him for about 5 or 10 minutes, with no sign of him to get bothered in anyway for having another conversation with a fan. But we had to give up from our conversation, because someone put the music so loud that we couldn’t even hear each other.
On saturday, when i was waiting for the Roger’s show, i met and gave him my greetings again, when he was going to a store nearby to promote his album. This was maybe 2 hours before the show begins. On monday, after i’ve been on both amazing shows Roger did in Lisbon, i went to the Ritz Hotel, cause i wouldn’t want to waste the chance to be with the “genious”, the first and maybe the last time He’s been in Portugal.
There were also a few guys there waiting, one of them has been also in the Snowy’s showcase, four days before. Andy Wallace, Harry and Snowy were the first few guys from the band coming out the hotel, and this guy said to Snowy: “Hey Snowy! You’re definitely one of the best persons i’ve ever met!” . And he said:”Thanks…, but that’s because you never saw me when i wake up in the morning!” All people around laughed. Then a girl said : “Here He comes…!”.
Jesus Christ, i cant even explain what i felt when she said that. It was something i had never experienced before.
He came out, and i get closer to him asking him to give me his autograph and to take a couple of photos. He just said :” Ok, but quick they’re (the rest of the band that in the meanwhile were already in the two vans, just waiting for Roger), waiting.” He signed everything we asked, took the pictures with us and left…! I couldn’t say nothing special to him because i got so nervous that i couldn’t even think things clear. I just remember that i ask him to write his mail address, which i knew he wouldnt. He simply didnt say anything when i asked this. Of course it was stupid saying that to him, but it just occured to me that moment, and i simply said. I also remember that the same guy that said those things to Snowy, told Roger to come back to Portugal if he decides to tour again. i also said : “Yes, don’t forget Portugal” . He didn’t answer. I asked:” How’s Syd?”. “Oh..! I think he’s ok!” . Then he left, and i just remember, that i said to myself :”Ok, Hugo, the dream is over!” Then i picked up my stuff, waved goodbye, and Harry did the same to me, then they just smiled and… left!
What a day it was! I forgot to say that, on saturday, before the show, i saw Harry and Andy Wallace (i never realised it was Andy, someone said to me after) playing with some kind of a flying disc. i asked him to sign on my ticket and took also a picture with him. He seemed to me a very nice person, while Roger seemed more….”distant”.
And that’s the end of my story. It was a GREAT pleasure to know Snowy White in person (the guy is f*cking amazing) , Harry Waters (hope to see him again “some sunny day”), and, of course, the “genius” himself.
With thanks to Hugo Batista
(Above) With thanks to Joao Pinto

Roger & Pedro Teixeira

With thanks to the ‘workers’ of the portuguese fanzine, Pink Waters.