Postcard signed by Roger. Thanks to John E
Well – here we go again ;-). Took the morning flight to Berlin. When I and a friend got there we went for a look at Potsdamer Platz – were we had both seen the 1990 Wall show. The place is now completely different and where there was once a huge crowd there is now some brand new beautiful buildings – with many more in the process of construction. It did take me a little time to convince him where the stage was – cause there is now a very large building on the site! He also decided that where he stood is now being turned into a memorial to the European Jews. Shortly after checking into the hotel and hooking up with some more friends, one decided that it would be a great an idea to go and see Kylie Minogue, as she was playing the same venue as Rog that night and it would be a laugh to go ;-).
When we got to the venue, the crowd were somewhat different from the crowd that go and see Roger – Kylie does indeed have a huge gay following and there were some very interesting outfits on show – and some very different ways for men to dress. We got tickets and hey we were in! The venue is basically inside a large hole in the ground – circular (as it is a velodrome) and with a flat roof.
One of the reasons for going was to check out the venue for the following night and get a feel for the sound. The support act was on when we arrived and the sound was truly dreadful so we were not hopeful – but the sound for Kylie was fine – so perhaps a case of ensuring that the support band didn’t upstage the main act?
At the beginning we all stood at the back watching not only the show on stage but the show the crowd were putting on. After a wander around the building I headed to near the front as well. I must admit that she put on a great high energy show – very different from a Rog show.
Sunday we went to the Hard Rock for lunch then another look at Potsdamer Platz before going to the bands hotel. At the hotel we met Norbert and Snowy. Shortly after we were joined by PP and Carol. I spent some time talking to PP. She had some very interesting things to say. Harry then came down with Chester and Roger – who went outside and signed a few items. After the band left we went back to the bar near our hotel for a little refreshment.
The show tonight was all standing apart from a few seats on a very high balcony around most of the arena. The sound was great – still very loud but seemed to be much crisper – but maybe it was cause we were standing in front of the main speaker banks?
Same setlist as usual. Can’t remember anything happening out of the usual great, well executed set – other than Chester is still getting better. I do wish Snowy would look like he wanted to be there. He seems to spend most of his time looking at the audience members as though he is looking for someone particular in the crowd.
The odd part for me was seeing the images of the 1990 Berlin Wall show projected on the screen during some of the songs. That was the last time he played Berlin and I was there – hard to explain really.
Another great day, another great show and another beer (or two) 😉
Review thanks to John E

Thanks to Norbert Fabre

Thanks to Jens Libach