Above images were sent in by John M. Schultz who tells us: “Leaving the show, I came around the corner to find a helicopter waiting to take off. The previous night, a helicopter had swept over the crowd while I was making my way to the car. I stopped and deleted some images from my full memory card and waited. Sure enough, a few minutes later Waters came walking out of the underground entrance to the Coliseum and entered the helicopter. As it took off, the wind blast blew my hat off, making it difficult to shoot. But I did manage to get a few images. A fitting ending to a fantastic show!” MORE FANTASTIC PICTURES

Thanks to quincyq03
I’m back from the second night at the Nassau Coliseum.
If last night the show revealed some problems with construction and plans, today I am just thankful I got out alive!
Again they had many problems with the construction crue and planing. Building a high rise wall near a landing site is not a smart thing to do. I don’t even know if they had a permit. ****SPOILER**** It went very wrong when an airplane crashed over it! But it didn’t end there. During the second half they were so confused that this Roger guy was shouting “Is there anybody out there?”. Well, we were, but they couldn’t see us! So, he found his way out to our side of the wall and stood there alone for a long time, ranting about lousy TV service, lousy phone connections, about the war and a broad that told him she would meet him again and never did!. Tired of having him alone in front of this massive wall, they found streetmusicians and proceeded to tell the audience to run! And we all should have! Because when the wall subsided (and we all knew it was bad workmanship, so it was not surprising), part of the audience was hit by flying bricks! I kid you not! People innocently standing on the left side were hit by several bricks. I can see law suits flying, Mr. Waters…
Has there been any other instance when the wall hit audience members when it came down?
Finally let me tell you a bird on the inside sang a little song and it seems the tour may not end before 2012. There are some technical hurdles to overcome, but it’s very likely it’ll go on for a while still. Well, I sure hope so.
Review thanks to luismatos

Thanks to quincyq03
Another good show. Mellow crowd. Sound was great – amazing that this production can even make the Colliseum sound good.
So, about this hellhole…it really is an awful place.
There is ONE narrow concourse for the 100s, 200s, and 300s level. No joke. So bathroom/concession lines are insane. It’s also dangerously crowded in the concourse and not nearly enough bathrooms.
The seats are rickety and actually wobble and bend, many sit on rickety aluminum bleachers that rock and roll frighteningly if someone runs down it.
It’s really a dump. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a worse arena. About the only good thing I can say about it is the staff was helpful and friendly, and did their best to accomodate my friend and I. My friend has MS and doesn’t get around too well – since every square inch of the floor of the Coliseum is slimy and aluminum, he kept slipping. I was able to find one of TWO elevators in the entire building, which thankfully were right near our seats, so my friend didn’t have to deal with any stairs. The elevators are not for public use, just staff, but the lady was kind enough to take us up and down as much as we needed.
The only other elevator, she said. is a freight elevator behind the stage.
But the place has got to be grandfathered to hell…I can’t believe the place is up to modern code.
Review thanks to crazy levi

Thanks to quincyq03
Shows how wrong you can be, (or maybe I’m the exception that proves the rule ). I drove up from Philly via Allentown PA… This was my first choice venue as soon as the tour was announced, simply because of the historical connection with the original show… that said, the drive was pretty horrendous and now having been there once I’ve no need to go there ever again.
The show itself was amazing… this time I was down on the floor, row 14, close enough to see facial expressions, fingers moving on guitars, etc, and close enough to feel the heat from the “plane crash” – a totally absorbing experience several levels beyond the “viewing from a distance” I enjoyed last week near the roof at the back of MSG.
Apart from a couple of horrrendous bursts of feedback at the beginning of Waiting for the Worms the sound was incredible – really loud, no distortion, bass you could actually feel as waves of air… although being pretty much directly under the right front stack I didn’t get much in the way of surround.
Review thanks to sysyphus
The show was more than a show it was an event. From tailgating to just walking in and then the opening with In The Flesh was just truly a joy that will never be duplicated. Being a Coliseum regular it was great to go to a show where the atmosphere was relaxed and fun. Yeah the old building has seen it’s day but for 2 of those days it was like 1980 all over again. I am sorry this may be the last time Roger ever comes back. I for one will savor it as long as it can be. I am going to the Garden show in November but it’s just not gonna be the same. I just hope Roger has more left in him.
Thanks to Madmark

Thanks to quincyq03
I headed out to the show around six, a little later than yesterday, I got caught in a bit of traffic and didn’t arrive till near seven. Ellie called while I was on my way to say she had arrived as did my friend Brad as well. I was also meant to be meeting up with my friend Jeff whom I had missed at all the NY shows and last night’s Nassau show. He was due in the bar at 7:30pm but it got to 8pm and i couldn’t see him.
I sat with Ellie and Andy for half an hour and then my friend Brad arrived, Brad had bought a front row seat for tonight’s show and had never seen the show from the front row, I knew he would like it and I wasn’t wrong! Once you’ve been front row you can’t go back! Brad had also brought his friend Mike whom had not seen the show at all but was a big Wall fan.
We headed down to the floor and much to the disappointment of Brad he was only asked once to show his front row ticket while making his way to his seat!! I headed down there with them and met Mike who had already found his seat and was soaking in some of the atmosphere. I went for a wonder around the floor and finally found Jeff and his mom! I hadn’t seen Jeff since the Ca-ira event in New York some 4 years ago, was great to see you again and to meet your mom!
The floor was packed out tonight I couldn’t see a single spare seat in the house. Last night the two sections right next to the stage off the floor at each side was covered by a cloth, stopping anyone sitting in the seats as this was where the wall fell down at the end of the show. Tonight there was no cloth! All the seats were open and people were sat in them! Little did they know!
The show tonight was much better than the night before, the crowd were a lot more enthusiastic and even stood you for the opening track of the second half, Hey You.
I don’t take my camera to every show as I don’t enjoy the show as much if half the time I’m seeing it on a 2” lcd screen but I’d brought it along tonight. I stood with Brad and Mike on the left hand side on the rail for the show tonight.
Even being this close due to all the lighting and flashes and projections its so difficult to get the settings right on the camera, it’s a lot more settled in the second half and so much easier to take decent picture. This said I didn’t do too bad in the first half and got some half decent shots.
The first half went without any hitches at all that I could see, Roger was as talkative as ever and again made reference to being here 30 years ago! Brad and Mike couldn’t believe how different the show was seeing it from this close up. He had seen the MSG shows a couple of weeks earlier and there was a ton of things that he hadn’t seen or noticed from his seats a bit further back at the other shows. As I said, once you’ve been on that rail you just cant go back! I stayed at the front for the intermission didnt go wandering or anything, Jeff came down for a quick chat and said his mom was really enjoying the show and was taking lots of pictures.
By the time Brad and Mike had got back from getting a beer it was tome for the second half, as I said earlier the crowd all raised up from their seats and remained standing for the duration of the show! I love the second half, love seeing the band when they are out front performing. Mike turned to me during Hey You and asked if they leave the wall up for the rest of the show or if they take it down, I told him to just watch, wait and enjoy!
There was a pretty big cock up on the crew’s side tonight, when the instruments rose from the stage and In The Flesh started it wasn’t till about 20 seconds before the vocals started the Roger realised someone had forgot to put his mic stand out and his mic! he was pissed you could see it in his face! It was then that Robbie realised and handed him his mic that he usually gives to Roger half way through when he goes walking around on the stage.
The wall falling down tonight was spectacular! Not the best but different. Remember the side blocks of the stage that I said had been uncovered and there were people sat in those seats? Well the wall on the right hand side of the stage totally fell down all over these people and covered them!! It was unreal – there were people fighting themselves out of the bricks, oh if only I could have been there, lol. The main wall fell in two good sections forward towards the front rail, was great to feel the wind rush past us that was made from a whole sections falling so close to us. I don’t think Brad had any idea just how close those bricks are when they fall and your stood on that front rail!
A friend of Dave and mine, Jackie, had messaged me earlier in the day to ask me to find out what was on Dave’s t shirt at the end of the show, it was somewhat of a mystery and he hadn’t told so so far! I tried to get a couple of pics of it but it wasn’t clear enough as soon as Dave saw me and knew I was trying to find out what was written on it he laughed, turned around and then covered it with his banjo! He later told us that Roger asked all the band members for a slogan that they would like on the front of their shirts! Dave’s first request was “sex appeal, please give generously” however he had ended up getting one that said “Wall or Nothing”
It was another fantastic show in a historic venue.
Review thanks to Simon Wimpenny