Thanks to Robert Perry
The first half just seemed so much tighter! the band seemed a lot more “gelled” together and i think its probably just that they are refining it all the time. I chatted with Dave K earlier in the day and he did say they were going in early for a sound check to straighten a couple of things out. You really do have to keep your eyes open the whole show when your sat within the first 15 or so rows. I totally missed the plane crashing into the wall tonight!!! my eyes must have been on the band or the other side as i cant remember seeing it at all!
Roger seems to be settling into his routine now, the first 2 or 3 shows he was all over the place, things were changing and he had no set thing as such but that seems to be coming together as all his little nuances have been the same for the last couple of nights. The first half of the show seems to fly by, i watched around me as invited guests and VIP’s did nothing but stood there on their iphones and Blackberry’s texting whomever about whatever!! What a waste!!
Thanks to Simon Wimpenny
Thanks to Robert Perry
I loved the shows I saw in Chicago, both from the last third of the floor. These seats provide a great view of the entire show while maintaining sound quality. In fact, this is where Waters and company sit to study the show before launch.
I thought it eclipsed any live event by any Pink Floyd member that I have seen (TDB tour being my first Floyd experience). I was thrilled with the sound quality, the performance, and the visuals. I found the energy to be incredible, and far superior to the almost lethargic and dare I say bored performance of the 1994 TDB tour.
Waters seems 100% into this, and truly gives it his all. He’s still passionate and this show just oozes with that drive and energy.
I have no real complaints. Who cares if Waters can’t play the trumpet? I don’t go to the show to see him play the trumpet on Outside the Wall, lol. I thought it was hilarious and both genuine and gave a bit of warmth to what has always been a cold work. Also, I don’t worry too much about the rare flubb during a live show. Who cares? That’s why they call it live music. These aren’t robots up there. I always laugh at these basement wannabes who think they can play the parts better live. lol, yeah right.
Great show on evey level and by far my favorite Floyd encounter yet.
Review thanks to gallatin