At 8pm exactly the sound of Rogers lousy trumpet playing was heard in the venue and the new Spartacus face mask images were projected on the wall ends.(have to say i prefer the “im Spartacus” in different languages projections.There was very little emotion at all as Roger walked out onstage dodging the pyros as he walked, and there wasn’t a single person in the venue that stood as he ran round onstage thrusting his fists in the air! Due to the show being indoors you could see again just how bright and more detailed the projections were, however the first section on the right looked way out of focus, something Ole commented on when i saw him at intermission. During Rogers speech at the beginning of Mother, he yet again attempted to talk to the crowd in their local language, commenting tonight on how it was such a difficult language. As he started to talk English again and explain the whole double track vocals thing there was a loud voice that broke the deadly silence in the venue, “Get on with it” they shouted! to which Roger quite angrily shouted back, “No, I’ll take as long as i want” the heckler again shouted something back and Roger made another couple of comments, one of which thanking a person in the audience from memory.
The crowd were very laid back, probably the most I’ve ever seen at a show, i also noticed there were very few people using cameras and this meant the inside of the venue was ever so dark with no glow at al from many LCD screens!
Dave K’s solo on Young Lust was outstanding, i watched Robbie and Roger during the track and they were having ever so much fun together, when Robbie does his screams of “wooooooow “ in unison with Dave’s guitar solo early on in the track, Roger looked over to him and gave him the biggest smile, returned straight back at him by Robbie who then looked over to Dave who intern looked over to Roger, this all lasted probably 15 seconds at most but in just these few seconds alone you could tell the guys were having so much fun onstage tonight despite the lull from the crowd.
Even the opening hotel room from the wall didn’t get the Norwegians on their feet with their cameras! something that usually always happens at most of the shows. Comfy Numb started and at the line of “can you stand up” i looked over to Kevin and said “screw this, 3,2,1” and we both stood up and encouraged everyone else to do the same, it was hard work but with Rogers help we managed it! lol it was short lived though as everyone couldn’t wait to get back to their seats for The Show Must Go On.
Run Like Hell did the trick though and even got the Norwegians to learn a new way of showing their appreciation called clapping! again, short lived and the crowd descended for Waiting For The Worms.
Roger is risking it more and more as the shows go on, standing onstage tonight as the wall was moving at the top just before the bricks fell, by the end of the tour he’ll be getting hit with the bricks if he keeps on at this rate! I still marvel at the “fake” wall fall that’s projected on the ends of the wall before the actual middle section falls, its sheer brilliance and a very cool and believable effect. The whole middle section came down in two hits tonight.
Review thanks to Simon Wimpenny
Videos from this concert have been removed as Pink Floyd claim copyright on them

Chart thanks to Ole Jørgen Skinderhaug