That’s Old News!
A repository of things past
(We apologise. Many of the stories for this year are out of actual date order)
Is Nick Mason haunted? To be honest, we haven’t got the slightest clue, but Oscar Jaime thinks ghostly apparitions appeared at one of Nick Mason’s book signings earlier this year! Better still, he has sent in a couple of snaps that he says show ‘unusual features’. We report – You Deride
Roger Waters Web Chat. You can now access the Full Web Chat 17 Oct 2005Will Pink Floyd reunite?
Pink Floyd London 1966/67 Competition Did you win a prize? To celebrate the recent release of the Peter Whitehead classic film, now on DVD for the first time, we were giving away a bunch of prizes, including T-Shirts & DVD’s (Both UK & USA editions). The winners have now been drawn, and we now have their names, along with comprehensive details of the release
Did YOU win a signed copy of Nick Mason’s Inside Out Audio Book? Five lucky winners have now been chosen, and the results and full details are now available.
Nick Mason has operation We have been advised that Nick’s scheduled book signings in Germany and other parts of Europe have been delayed for a few weeks, as Nick is recovering from an appendix operation. It’s understood that Nick is doing well, and should be back to full health soon. Nick was due to appear 10 Oct – Hamburg Buchhandlung Weyland 11 Oct Berlin Kulturkaufhaus Dussmann 12 Oct Köln Mayersche Buchandlung am Neumarkt. These dates will all be rescheduled, and we will let you know the new dates as soon as the info is available. The German version of the book has two additional pages devoted to the Live 8 reunion, including at least one new picture. (Thanks to Werner Haider)

Nick Mason with idol Peter Lyon. Motor Mag Oct 05
Ca Ira debuts at Number One on Billboard Charts.After it’s release on 27 Sept, Roger Waters opera has rocketed to the top of the Billboard Traditional Classical Chart. Ca Ira gets it’s debut in Rome on November 17th & 18th. Get comprehensive details about Ca Ira (Thanks Tony Mulligan)
Dream Theater Perform Dark Side Suite Prog rockers Dream Theater surprised the audience in Amsterdam on 11 Oct. After the intermission, they announced they were going to play a ‘classic album’, and proceeded to play various snippets from bands like Yes, Genesis & The Who. They then launched into the Full Dark Side Of The Moon Suite, and were accompanied by Theresa Thomason (For Great Gig) and Mike Kidson on sax. The band used original Pink Floyd backing tracks & videos. (Thanks for the heads up to Marco Telleman).
Updated again!Tear Down The Chimneys! We reported earlier about the proposed removal of the chimneys from the world famous Battersea Power Station. We can now tell you that Wandsworth Council (London UK) met on 13th October 2005 and voted unanimously to allow the chimneys to be demolished.The matter still has to go to a full council (27 Oct). However, it is expected the decision to allow demolition will be ratified. Council Decision Here An active campaign is underway to save the Power Station, and more details are available Latest UpdateThe UK newspaper South London Press is calling for your views to publish in the paper. Please send all comments urgently to
Taken by Storm Update We have just been contacted by Storm Thorgerson’s Manager to give us the latest updates on Storm’s traveling art exhibition. The show has now closed after a highly successful showing in Los Angeles. There were plans to take the show to Florida in November, but these have been shelved. The next US exhibition will be in Feb/March 2006. USA locations under consideration are New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Denver. There is also a very real possibility of a Latin American Tour, probably kicking off in January next year. We have been giving comprehensive coverage to the tour, and you can delve into the different galleries
“It was a great weight off my back to have a rapprochement with the three guys after all the enmity. Constantly, in my work, I am exhorting people to let go of entrenched positions, and that could be seen as hypocritical in view of the fact that, for all those years, I held an entrenched position in terms of the history and the internal politics of Pink Floyd. “So to be able to relinquish that enmity was very important to me. If that’s the only time we play together for the rest of our lives, I will reap the benefits of those few days for the rest of my life.” Roger Waters Oct 05
Steve O’Rourke’s Pink Floyd discs sold. A few weeks ago we told you about the upcoming auction of a number of discs owned by Pink Floyd’s former Manager, the late Steve O’Rourke. The auction took place at Christies (Lots 46 to 73) on 28 September. Some great prices were achieved, with items like an Australian multi-‘platinum’ award for the album The Wall, which was expected to fetch 500 – 700 pounds, selling for 1,020.00 British pounds. Angie O’Rourke made the donations, with money raised going towards Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy and Winstons Wish (Original story thanks to Pink Floyd Management)
Pink Floyd Ballet returns to Tokyo.You may recall that early in 2004 we published details about Rolandd Petit’s Pink Floyd ballet being performed in Tokyo. The show is now returning there after a revamped version toured Europe getting rave reviews along the way. The show returns to Tokyo this month (Oct) and will be performed by Asami Maki Ballet, along with dancers from around the world.
‘Hey You’ featured in new movie. On 26 Sept Roger Waters attended a post-New York Film Festival screening party for the upcoming “The Squid and the Whale,” which opens Oct. 5, and features ‘Hey You’ prominently in the film. At the party, Roger was asked about Pink Floyd performing together again, and replied “If there’s another charity, or a reason to bring us together, I could see it happening,. Otherwise, no. And we’ve had lots of offers. But we’re just not going to do the $250 million tour.” Roger can be seen pictured right at the event. (Thanks to Tony Mulligan)
Pink Floyd Podcast Launched. Proving that you can’t keep a good man down, our favourite Floyd DJ ‘The Doctor’ has launched what is thought to be the worlds first Pink Floyd podcast. You can read all about it, and download the podcasts
Warning! Fake Floyd LP’s circulating on eBay We have been advised that a number of fake Pink Floyd LP’s are surfacing on eBay. Apparently a batch of Floyd albums have been illegally produced, and are being passed off as the real thing. Pay special attention to sellers who claim to have ‘Original Sealed Copies’, as these are most likely the fake versions. CHECK to see how to spot a fake original mono Piper. (Thanks to Alex for the tip off)
Signed Roger Waters albums for sale A number of Pink Floyd albums, all personally signed by Roger Waters, are being auctioned on eBay. These were signed by Roger to enable proceeds to go to the music department at Morley Memorial Primary School in Cambridge, England, where Roger was a pupil. Albums are changed weekly until all sold.
THE AUCTIONS (Thanks to Dan Goldstein/Mary Munro and Roger’s family) AUCTIONS HAVE ENDED
David Gilmour featured on John Peel tribute single A tribute single in honour of the Late John Peel sees David, along with Jeff Beck, Robert Plant, Roger Daltrey and others. They appear on a cover version of The Buzzcocks 1970’s ‘Ever Fallen In Love’. The single will be released on 21 November with proceeds going to Amnesty International.
This is how we reported the news of Pink Floyd’s reunion
We are delighted to confirm that Pink Floyd will Reform for Live 8 with Roger Waters
Pink Floyd’s Management have confirmed that David Gilmour made the decision on Friday night. (10 June) Then on Saturday Roger, Nick & Rick all agreed to participate.
This is the OFFICIAL David Gilmour statement, provided to us by Pink Floyd’s Management and Pink Floyd’s publicity Manager.
“Like most people I want to do everything I can to persuade the G8 leaders to make huge commitments to the relief of poverty and increased aid to the third world. It’s crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of its GNP to the starving nations. Any squabbles Roger and the band have had in the past are so petty in this context, and if re-forming for this concert will help focus attention then it’s got to be worthwhile.”
How did all this come about ? Pink Floyd’s Manager told A Fleeting Glimpse that “Bob (Geldof) engineered it, he talked to David and he talked to Roger, and Roger then called David.” So there you have it.
Roger Waters Manager, Mark Fenwick, also contacted us to say that this is Roger’s official statement “It’s great to be asked to help Bob raise public awareness on the issues of third world debt and poverty. The cynics will scoff, screw ’em! Also, to be given the opportunity to put the band back together, even if it’s only for a few numbers, is a big bonus.”
Live 8 site
Yet another Roger Waters interview! This time Roger has a two page spread in the German weekly Der Speiegel. There’s general talk about Ca Ira, some more info on how all four agreed to be at Live 8. Roger says that he was keen to find out where they would be on the bill, and was content that Paul McCartney was on after the Floyd, and Madonna before. He also confirmed that before Live 8 he didn’t even have David’s phone number. He was asked about a world tour, but replied ‘Definitely not’. The article also goes on to say about David donating royalties to charity, but Roger is not in a position to do that, due to a foundation he set up in 1974 that he doesn’t talk about.(Thanks to Torsten)
Back To The Wall – Does It Live Up To The Hype? Billy Sherwood (probably best known for the time he spent time playing with Yes) has put together an impressive cast of musicians including Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Rick Wakeman, Alan White, Billy Sherwood, Ian Anderson, Tommy Shaw, Adrian Belew, Robby Krieger, Glenn Hughes, Keith Emerson, Fee Waybill, Ronnie Montrose, Steve Morse, Geoff Downes, John Wetton, Elliot Easton and Steve Lukather. This incredible band of talented people have taken on the massive task of covering Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’. Check it out.
David Gilmour snubs Pink Floyd reunion? Online magazine contact music has reported that David Gilmour has snubbed embarking on a reunion tour. This magazine has been known to publish articles that come up a bit short in the truth department, but check it out anyway HERE
News Of The World Reported Pink Floyd world tour in 2006. Is it true? – Of course it’s not!
MTV have reported:
David Gilmour Helped B.B. King celebrate his milestone 80th birthday. (Doesn’t say if he performed)
Adrian Belew (King Crimson) and Alan White (Yes) salute Floyd with a two-disc tribute, Back Against the Wall (See item above)
Dar Williams and Ani DiFranco lift their lighters for a cover of “Comfortably Numb,” featured on Williams’ My Better Self.
SOURCE (Thanks for the heads up Tony Mulligan)
UPDATED Rare Video Footage!!! We received a promo copy of the early video footage we have been telling you about, and you can read our review and see a sensational sampler clip
“Would I go back and make a record with those three guys? Well I guess so, yeah” In an astonishing interview on BBC Radio 4 on 10 September, Roger Waters declared that there is no reason that the four of them could not make another album!
Pink Floyd To Be Inducted Into The UK Music Hall Of Fame David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright Re-unite for the second time in 24 years to attend ceremony!! (Nope, all 4 didn’t happen, but you can read about the ceremony and even catch a video of it)
Live 8 DVD to include Pink Floyd rehearsal footage! The much anticipated Live 8 extravaganza is set to be released on a four-disc DVD on November 7. The great news for Floyd fans is that it will feature the FULL Floyd performance, plus a bonus of the rehearsal footage!
David Gilmour Solo Album ‘Spring’ 2006 release? We have been advised by Pink Floyd’s Management, that there are hopes that David’s new album will be out in the (UK) Spring. Paul Loasby (who manages Jools Holland and Sam Brown) has been appointed to manage the solo album project.
“I hope we do it again” says Roger Waters “If some other opportunity arose, I could even imagine us doing Dark Side of the Moon again – you know, if there was a special occasion. It would be good to hear it again.”
Roger Waters to be Escape Artists Patron Roger Waters has become a patron of Cambridge based charity. The Pink Floyd legend was first approached with a view to getting him involved in Escape Artists’ Cambridge Cantata, a song of the city project, which was performed on September 25th by King’s College Choir. Escape Artists Director Matthew Taylor said he was “thrilled” by the news. Read the full details
Cirque du Soleil to collaborate with Roger Waters on Broadway production of ‘The Wall’ Roger Waters has confirmed in a newspaper article that the Cirque du Soleil will be collaborating on his Broadway production of ‘The Wall’. Check out this Article (Thanks Paul Cousineau)
Cirque du Soleil/Pink Floyd
BBC Radio 2 Interview with Roger Waters On 8 Sept, Roger gave another interview, mainly about Ca Ira, but he also talks about how the Live 8 reunion came to be (Roger wanted to do In The Flesh), and once again, in a positive tone, states that Pink Floyd ‘may’ do another ‘charitable’ concert sometime in the future. He also confirms he will be conducting the overture of Ca Ira in Rome in November, and that the Opera will be in North America in the Spring of 2006. Do not miss this! It runs for just over 13 minutes (Thanks to Andy Gall)
Roger Waters Quits UK In Disgust At Hunting Ban The Times has reported that Roger has gone to live in America “in disgust” at what he says is an unfair attack by Tony Blair’s government on Britain’s countryside community. There is also a brilliant new interview with Roger in The Times. Here’s a quick snippet: Waters is still glowing at the memories. (Live 8) So much so that, even amid the denials, and even with Gilmour making a solo album, one wonders if that was the final performance by Pink Floyd. “It was moving,” says Waters of the quartet’s rapprochement in front of hundreds of millions. “I wrote an e-mail to Dave afterwards. I’d just seen a bunch of press cuttings, and I think I said, ‘How extraordinary to be so warmly feted by a press that’s always been so unpleasant and negative in the past.’
Pink Floyd on Tribute To John Peel The Sunday Mail (UK) is reporting that Pink Floyd will be on an all star tribute to the late DJ John Peel. A CD is to be released to coincide with Peel Day, a series of music events on Radio One on October 13 – the first anniversary of John’s death. UPDATE We have been advised that Warner Bros will also be issuing a compilation CD to honour John. It’s expected that a track from Pink Floyd’s back catalogue will be included (Thanks to PFM)
UK Poll Says Dark Side Favourite Album Of All Time. In the poll more than 15,000 listeners of the digital radio station Planet Rock voted for their favourite rock album.
The Wall – A Critical Review We have received a few emails asking why we haven’t featured this release, due out on 4 October. Quite simply, we have no faith in any product that Classic Rock Productions issues. We base this on previous releases from this company, with at least one person stating ” I feel robbed, angry and down $50! Too bad I can’t return this junk ” Previous Reviews
UK ‘Word’ Magazine states that Rick Wright has contributed to David Gilmour’s upcoming album. The article also has some excellent insights into Rick and can be read in full (Thanks Werner Haider)
Taken By Storm – Los Angeles Storm Thorgerson’s travelling art exhibition has now opened in Los Angles, and A Fleeting Glimpse L.A. corespondent Aaron Ezolt was on hand to cover the event, and grab some great pictures. Storm In L.A.
A Fleeting Glimpse Featured on ‘God Is On The TV’ We are happy to report that a feature article about A Fleeting Glimpse, and it’s webmaster Col Turner, has appeared on the Cultral Online Magazine ‘God Is On The TV’. The article, written by Linda Spencer, gives an insight into what it takes to run this web site. Here’s a snip. “You may think that running a band fan site involves hours hunched over a computer, Googling for snippets of information until your fingers bleed and uploading endless photos of surprised looking band members being accosted by fans. And you would be right. But it also requires dedication, discipline and the ability to mix with all walks of life from the stalker fan right up to the band and their management. UPDATE The story is now also featured on the funky mofo website.
Backstage With David Gilmour Here’s a great little interview that was recorded backstage at the Live 8 gig, shortly before Floyd took the stage. David confirms that Crosby & Nash appear on one track on his upcoming new solo album, and also discusses Live 8 and other issues.
Mistaken Identity! Many of you would have read the story on the internet that claimed that David Gilmour recently jammed at a cafe in Formentera to a small unappreciative audience. The story went that David played a fretless guitar, and made quite a hash of it. Well here’s the truth of the matter. David Gilmour was in Formentera at that time, however it wasn’t him playing , in fact it was Guy Pratt being none to careful with that axe!
PULSE DVD We now have updates on this long running saga. Go to the PULSE DVD section for all the latest news on this highly anticipated release.
“I may have had a stroke, but I’m not stupid” Read our Exclusive & sensational in-depth interview with Storm Thorgerson., including some fascinating details about the upcoming PULSE DVD.
AFG Limo Service! A Fleeting Glimpse has correspondents all over the world. We recently had our Chicago man, RonToon, provide a limo service for Storm Thorgerson
Pink Floyd London 1966 – 67 Many Floyd fans will already have the video version of this historic movie, and the good news is the DVD version will be released on September 12. Made by movie maestro Peter Whitehead, the film features rare full length performances from the classic late 60s Pink Floyd line-up at Sound Techniques London & the legendary ’14 Hour Technicolor Dream Extravaganza’ gig in April 1967 at Alexandra Palace. Additional footage captures swinging sixties London and features interviews with Mick Jagger, Michael Caine, David Hockney & Julie Christie. The Alexandra Palace footage includes performance art by Yoko Ono and a Sgt. Pepper-era John Lennon taking in the festivities. (John and Yoko had not then met.) Order Here
Jokers Wild EP sold. A copy of the Jokers Wild EP was recently up for auction. For those that don’t know, Jokers Wild was one of David Gilmour’s bands before Floyd. There were only 50 copies of the EP pressed, and they were given out to family & friends. Only 2 copies have ever since surfaced.
PULSE DVD Nick Mason confirmed in an interview in San Francisco on 14 April that work still continues on the DVD. He said the band are ‘trying to finish’ (the DVD) Nick said the show had been ‘recut, which obviously gives us more length’ & ‘the sound has been mixed into 5.1 and we’re obviously looking for additional elements to put into the DVD’
A staggering $8519.78 (Aus) (App $6,605.09 US or 3,491.17 pounds) has just been donated to the World Vision Tsunami Relief Fund. The money was the proceeds from the Pink Floyd Tsunami Raffle that was recently conducted across the web. Pictured left is World Vision’s Mike Fawsitt & raffle co-ordinator Col Turner. Mike said he was delighted to receive the cheque, and thanked Floyd fans for their generosity.
World Vision says thank you Regular visitors will recall that earlier this year, a monster raffle of Pink Floyd items were raffled from the best Floyd/Waters web sites and forums across the net. We raised a whopping $8519.78 (Aus) which was donated to World Vision for Tsunami relief. The letter (Pictured above) has just come in from World Vision.
Will Pink Floyd reunite? When will the PULSE DVD come out? See & Hear what Nick Mason had to say about these questions.

Roger Waters was spotted near the venue of Nicks book signing event on 19 April. It was later confirmed that they had dinner together. (Pic thanks to Moonchild)
Clare Torry wins settlement from Pink Floyd Last year we reported that Clare Torry was about to take Pink Floyd to court over the amount she was paid back in 1973 (30 pounds) for her performance of Great Gig In The Sky, on the Dark Side Of The Moon album. Well it seems as if Clare has received an out of court settlement of a ‘substantial sum’ STORY
Nick Mason explains the PUBLIUS ENIGMA! At the second book signing event in Seattle, Nick was asked about the Publius Enigma. This is the riddle that many Floyd fans have been working on for years, and now, for the first time, you can read the REAL STORY!!! Read Michael Teige’s Seattle report plus see dozens of photos from the tour.
Inside Out Cover Shoot Back in April, Storm Thorgerson directed the cover shoot for a special forthcoming edition of Nick Mason’s Inside Out. A limited edition of 500 boxed sets will be on sale soon.
David Gilmour enlisting overseas artists for new album! A leading Polish newspaper has reported that that two polish composers, Leszek Mozdzer (prominent jazz pianist) and Zbigniew Preisner (known for his soundtracks on Krzysztof Kieslowski movies) have been approached to record some orchestral parts for David’s new album. We told you recently that David had been recording at Abbey Road, and then on his houseboat, and it now seems as if outside musicians are being brought in. Here’s a quick translation of some of the more interesting bits of the article.”Probably it will be David’s solo album, but it is not out of the question that it could be a new Pink Floyd album. They will be deciding together later – Gilmour, Nick Mason and Richard Wright” said Zbigniew Preisner. “It was so amazing to meet this great master. It’s a great honour to share a table with Gilmour, not to mention working with him in the studio” saidLeszek Mozdzer. Another Polish engineer, Rafal Paczkowski, will be involved in orchestral session recording for the project.
TAKEN BY STORM The highly successful exhibition, held to showcase Storm’s artwork in London in 2004, has now closed in Chicago. You can catch up on the Chicago & World Tour details, read our exclusive 2004 interview with Storm, or read about the London private viewing night (with Rick & Nick in attendance)
David Gilmour Recently Recording Sources close to David Gilmour say that he was recently (mid March 05) back in the studio, and laying down some new music. It’s understood that he was using Abbey Road, but then switched to using his houseboat. The smart money says that David is working on his new solo album, with the release date not known, but sure to be some time away yet.
‘The Wall’ on Broadway team is taking shape. As we told you last August, Here & Here Miramax Films has pacted with Casablanca Records to develop and produce a Broadway musical based on Pink Floyd’s rock opera “The Wall.” The project is gathering pace, and Roger is putting a top team together. Read the Latest details.

Col’s copy of Inside Out Nick has written the following. “To Col – Thanks for all your hard work on A Fleeting Glimpse” Thank you Nick!
Wish You Were Here – CD/ SACD Work continues on the surround sound mix by James Guthrie, and Pink Floyd’s Management confirm they are looking at the end of 2005 as the possible release period.
Mason to expose shocking Pink Floyd secrets! Well that’s what the blurb says anyway.
RIP Nick Griffiths It is with regret that we report that long time Pink Floyd (amongst others) Producer/Engineer Nick Griffiths, has passed away following complications from transplant surgery. Nick had worked on ‘The Wall’, ‘Radio KAOS’, ‘The Wall, Berlin’, ‘Amused To Death’ and others, for Pink Floyd/Roger Waters, and other solo projects. Our condolences to family & friends.
Classic Rock DVD A while ago we told you about a DVD that was coming out called ‘Atom Heart Mother – The Ultimate Critical Review. It promised ‘rare footage’ of Atom Heart Mother (Bath 1970). We also told you that this is the same company that put out ‘Inside Pink Floyd – A Critical Review’ last year. Read The Reviews We urged caution about buying this new DVD until we had time to take a closer look. Our friends over at Brain Damage have now seen the DVD, and their Review includes this: “Letterboxed, resulting in the wrong aspect ratio, and saturated in red, it is extremely difficult to make out what you are looking at most of the time”. Our advice, stay away from this latest ‘gem’.
Video Anthology We have been aware for some time that a Pink Floyd ‘anthology’ may be in the works. Late in 2004 Nick Mason confirmed that an Anthology is under consideration after PULSE finally gets released.
Greek National TV Auction An auction to raise funds for Tsunami victims was held on 25 January and one of the items sold was the platinum record “The Wall”, which was donated by Franka & Rick Wright. The record was sold for 31,500 Euros and was presented to the winning bidder by Franka Wright. (Thanks George K)
Unheard Syd Barrett performance surfaces! The Floyd world is alight with the news that an extremely rare Syd Barrett recording recently just turned up! It’s a recording of a concert held at the Cambridge Corn Exchange on 27 January 1972. The bands were Hawkwind, Last Minute Put-Together Boogie Band (featuring Syd Barrett) and Pink Fairies. There are plans to get this performance officially released, so make sure you stay tuned, as we will have the info about this as soon as it becomes available.
Roger Waters Interviews. We have been resisting bringing you most of the multitude of Roger Waters interviews that are around at the moment, basically because they have all been saying the same thing. However we have found an exception to these run of the mill ‘puffs’. In an extensive interview with Serge Simonart from the Belgian Humo magazine (4 Oct) , Roger once and for all puts the Wizard Of Oz nonsense to bed, claims that a 1968 Floyd movie has been uncovered, says that Syd Barrett is ‘an electricity board that has been overloaded’, said that Pink Floyd toyed with the idea of asking Syd to Live 8 and so much more! Read The Full Translated Interview (pdf) Thanks to Felix Atagong for the translation.
Sydney Goes Nuts! The new Australian Pink Floyd Tribute band ‘Shine On’ took Sydney by storm on 25 Nov. Playing to a sold out house, the band blew everybody away on their debut performance, and standing ovations were the order of the day. Read our review chock full of pictures
UK Hall Of Fame Ceremony As we reported some weeks ago, Roger Waters was unable to attend the ceremony due to his commitments with Ca Ira. However, he did put in an appearance by satellite. Rick Wright was a non starter, as he is recovering from a cataract operation. So it was left to David & Nick to represent the Floyd. Catch The Full Details (With Video)
Ca Ira – Pictures & Video! Roger’s opera ‘Ca Ira’ that premièred in Rome on 17 Nov. was a smash hit with the audience. However, the first critical review wasn’t so kind. You can read reviews, see more pictures of the premier, access a video clip of part of the opera, (including Roger’s introduction) and catch up with all the background, in our special Ca Ira Gallery
Bob Geldof On Pink Floyd’s Live 8 Appearance “Two weeks later the phone rings and I pick it up. There’s no preamble I just… ‘Hello?’ ‘OK…’ ‘Sorry?’ ‘OK, I’ll do it.’ and I said, ‘Do what?’ He goes, ‘I’ll do your f–kin’ concert then.’ I said, ‘Is that you Gilmour? ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘You’re going to do the concert?’ He goes, ‘Yes.’ All of you? ‘Yes!’ And I said, you’ve made an old man very happy. Thank you very much. I said, ‘Are you serious?’ He goes, ‘Yes, unfortunately, I am serious.’ And I couldn’t believe it, really.” Great quotes and video snippets Here (Thanks Tony Mulligan)
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