That’s Old News!
A repository of things past
Roger Waters Wall Tour Second Highest Grossing In North America Pollstar has just released its ranking of the Top 50 Concert Tours for the 2010 calendar year and Roger Waters Wall Tour is in the number two spot grossing almost $90 million. Not bad considering the mid year start! Roger was pipped out of the number one spot by Bon Jovi who grossed $108 million. Pollstar have also confirmed that Roger’s tour ‘could be globetrotting through 2012’.
Dave Kilminster Mini Tour Our good friend Dave Kilminster doesn’t like to rest up too much. He’s just finished the 2010 Roger Waters Wall tour and before picking that up again for the 2011 leg in Europe, Dave has decided to fit in a few gigs with vocalist Murray Hockridge. Check out the tour dates at Also, don’t miss our EXCLUSIVE intervew with Dave (and others) at BEHIND THE WALL
2010 Nth American Tour | 2011 European Tour
And so it ends for now. Roger’s 2010 North American tour has come to a close and we look forward the tour commencing again in Europe on 21 March 2011 at the Atlantico Pavilion Lisbon Portugal. The tour went out with a bang on the last two nights in Mexico, with the band doing their first and only encores of the tour, a mariachi come acoustic version of Another Brick In The Wall (Part II) as the finale! Check out the dedicated tour pages 19th and 21st to see the videos.
We would just like to extend a big thank you to all of you who contributed to our massive coverage of the 2010 tour. Your efforts have enabled us to obtain pictures from EVERY show, and reviews for the majority of them, quite a remarkable achievement! The challenge now is to those of you who will be going to see the shows in Europe (and most probably Australia) next year, to try to duplicate the achievements of our North American friends. Get the pictures and reviews to us as soon as you can and leave the rest to us!!!
A Fleeting Glimpse – OFFICIAL outlet for Live Nation &
Will David Gilmour Play More Than One Wall Song? Find the answer to this, and the odds of him playing at a London show, as we continue our series of exclusive AFG interviews with band members and associates on Roger Waters Wall tour. AFG correspondent Johnny Valenzuela has been backstage to ask the hard questions (and got some very frank answers) and we kick off this series with Tim Myer, the main guitar tech on the tour and Colin Lyon, Roger’s bass tech since the original Wall shows in 1980. WARNING this is a backstage look at the tour and as such contains spoilers. BEHIND THE WALL Now Updated! See a selection of short video clips from behind the wall!Here’s More Interviews with Jon Joyce & G.E. Smith now available. BEHIND THE WALL And More Robbie Wyckoff & Snowy White interviews are now ready for your listening pleasure. BEHIND THE WALL And Even More Concluding this series of remarkable interviews we now present Jon Carin, Dave Kilminster and Harry Waters. Jon talks about Rick Wright, Dave K reveals that David Gilmour will not be able to play at the show Dave K’s mum is attending in London! (plus lots of tech talk) and Harry reveals that there never was an aeroplane in the sky! You will also get to learn about the Dark Side Tour DVD, and that the London dates will be filmed for inclusion for a Wall DVD Much much more as we take you on an exclusive trip BEHIND THE WALL
Pink Floyd Win Court Of Appeal Battle Last March Pink Floyd won their legal battle with EMI barring the record company from selling single downloads from their albums. Following EMI’s appeal against the High Court decision, a Court of Appeal judge has now ruled in the group’s favour. EMI admitted it had allowed online single downloads from the albums and also allowed parts of the tracks to be used as ringtones. But Pink Floyd said that many of the tracks merged into one another as part of the whole album and they did not want them taken out of context. In rejecting EMI’s appeal, the judge found the group wanted “to preserve the artistic integrity of the albums”. (Thanks to Dougie for the heads up)
Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport Aussies get ready, keep September/October free next year as there may well be a big tour coming down under! (and it’s not Rolf Harris) More when we get it.
Coming Soon As we have been promising for some weeks now, our series of exclusive interviews with the members of Roger Waters touring band will soon be available on A Fleeting Glimpse. We can now reveal that AFG correspondent and long time friend Johnny Valenzuela has just finished recording interviews will all the band members (save Roger and with the exception of Graham Broad due to time constraints and the Venice guys whom we are interviewing using other media). As an extra bonus he also managed to score interviews with Roger’s bass tech (who was with Pink Floyd for the original Wall shows) and the main guitar tech. Johnny is no stranger to the Pink Floyd & Roger Waters world, having engineered for the Global Satellite Network, which included Roger Waters appearance on Rockline for Amused To Death. Johnny was also in Berlin in 1990 looking after the engineering for the U.S. Roger Waters radio broadcast. Add to that he worked for the Album Network/SFX Radio Network as a radio show producer, which included the Division Bell world premiere and the PULSE world premiere. He has also worked on a number of Pink Floyd specials over the years. We hope to have the first of this series of exclusive interviews here for you within the next few days.
Roger Makes A Stand Seems as if Roger Waters has been irked by some professional autograph hunters. So much so that he has stated that in future the only items he will autograph are albums, which he will personalize. Here’s what he had to say on Facebook…………….. Something has been bothering me – I have been besieged by autograph professionals. These are guys who make a living getting guitars and stuff signed and then selling them on eBay. We see them at every show and they get in the way of genuine fans who want an autograph. It concerns me that I may have driven past genuine fans because they were hidden in the massed ranks of pros. So here’s the new deal. I will no longer sign anything but albums which I will personalize. So pros be warned no more guitars, scratch plates, photos, drum heads or any of the rest of that crap, make room for the real fans.
Special Venice Show Has Special Guests! Venice (Currently on tour with Roger Waters) held a one-off concert at the Lennon Lounge in Santa Monica on 4 Dec that was attended by most of Roger’s touring band. After playing a full two hour set, Venice was joined onstage by Robbie Wykoff, Harry Waters, Dave Kilminster, GE Smith, Graham Broad and Jon Joyce, and they performed “Goodbye Blue Sky” and “Comfortably Numb.” After another 30 minutes of encores, Robbie Wykoff and Dave Kilminster came back out again and finished up the evening joining Venice on their medley of Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition,” David Bowie’s “Fame,” Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer” and the Rolling Stones’ “It’s Only Rock and Roll (But I Like It).” The reaction from the sold out crowd of about 400 people practically tore the roof off. (Thanks to Matt Levitz for the heads up)
Unheard 1960’s Pink Floyd Recording Uncovered A Pink Floyd concert from 10 September 1967 has just emerged. The 50 minute recording was made by a Swedish sound engineer on his Revox recorder at the Golden Circle in Stockholm Sweden and up until now has remained unheard. The public will first hear this hidden gem on both the 3 and 7 May 2011 at a special event to take place in Stockholm. It’s anticipated that two of the original Pink Floyd support bands (Sleep Stones and Bamboo), will reappear for this unique occasion. Organisers are also hoping that Roger Waters will attend the show on 3 May as he is booked to play the Ericsson Globe Stockholm on both 4 & 5 May. More information closer to the event.
Barrett Book Is Here You might recall we told you about an upcoming Syd Barrett book simply titled ‘Barrett’ earlier this year. We’re happy to tell you that the book is now on sale and it’s a must have for all Syd fans. Barrett is a premium quality, large format book, produced using the finest materials. It is full of unseen and rare images of Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd. It collects and catalogues for the first time artworks and photographs by Syd himself. It is the first book to have been made in conjunction with the Barrett family and the Syd Barrett Estate. Access to the family art and photograph collection and their recollections have shown a new picture of Syd the creative and revealed a man who was a dedicated, practising artist throughout his life. Read more about this fascinating book and order your copy at
Nick Nixes Pink Floyd Reunion Nick Mason has told The Telegraph that he pulled out of what would have been a virtual Pink Floyd reunion after he discovered that Sir James Goldsmith’s daughter owned the Oxfordshire house, Kiddington Hall, where the concert was to be held. “That particular event wasn’t right for a reformation of Pink Floyd,” Nick said “I said I would do it, but it was a charity event for suits, and it felt wrong to turn a small thing into a big deal just because Jemima Khan was in attendance. “Why play for a lot of posh totty instead of some of the other things we should save that up for – a Live 8 type of thing?”
Pick Up A Copy Of Nick’s Book- Literally! For some years now visitors to AFG have been able to order a signed dedicated copy of Inside Out, Nick Mason’s brilliant book about Pink Floyd. Many happy fans have ordered a signed copy and been delighted that not only has Nick signed the book, but he has in fact written a personal dedication (of your choice). However, as the book weighs a virtual ton, postage has been off-putting for some. Now, just in time for Christmas, (and to save a fortune on postage), it’s been announced by Nick’s office that you can pick up your book in person from the London office. Naturally you have to pre-order the book and allow enough time for Nick to sign it, but if you act now you should be in time to be able to obtain a copy by Christmas. (But of course any time of the year is also great!)
Take the following links to order Nick Masons ‘Inside Out’ and receive a personal greeting from Nick himself! Nick is happy to write just about anything your heart desires when he personally signs your book, so be creative. Our personal thanks to Nick and company for making this possible. World Orders | North America Only
Metallic Spheres Special Shows The Orb have announced two special British shows to promote their ‘Metallic Spheres’ album. As you probably already know, David Gilmour recorded over an hour of music, working solo with his guitar on the album. It’s not known at this time if David will appear at the special shows. If you want to check it out The Orb will play London’s Scala venue on December 11th, splitting the show into two segments comprising old and new material. The second show takes place in Manchester on December 12th, with the duo using the city’s Club Academy venue as a base for their experimental oscillations.
Win Win Win! Here’s your chance to win a copy of the brilliant new book ‘Dark Globe’ by Julian Palacios in our fun new competition. Dark Globe sets a new standard in excellence with this eloquently written masterpiece, that strips away the veil behind the legend of Syd Barrett. We have 3 copies of the book to give away to three lucky visitors to this site. (One to each winner) Ok, here’s the fun part. We have been receiving pictures from various Roger Waters concerts that feature folk in unusual (some may say strange!) outfits. We thought the picture below of two fans (names unknown) who attended the Roger Waters St. Louis concert was great, but we can’t think of a good caption for it, can you? The best 3 ‘captions’ will score a copy of Dark Globe, so drop an email to (Subject heading MUST BE Waldo) with a humorous caption and include your name and mailing address. Competition closes midnight (Brisbane time) Sunday 14th November. (You agree to allow AFG to publish your caption on this site if required). CLOSED – WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW
And we have our winners! All 3 will soon be receiving a copy of ‘Dark Globe’. If you missed out, don’t despair, you can purchase a copy from Amazon USA | UK
Robert Morse of the Cayman Islands: “My wife says that a reliable source told her that Gilmour would be here tonight. I told her that if he shows I’ll eat this giant f@cking candy cane!”
Michael (agentofgoldstein) of North Carolina: Stop. I wanna change clothes. Take off this dorky hat and just watch the show But I’m posing with this schmuck because I have to know have to know Do I look as goofy do I look as goofy do I look as goofy As this guy?
Haim Machlev of Israel:”caught Red-Handed showing feelings”
Harry Does Miami Harry Waters celebrated his birthday on the 15th November by putting on a special performance, along with the Moksha Allstars, in Miami Florida. A boisterous night was enjoyed by all, including special guests Dave Kilminster, Snowy White, Graham Broad and Harry’s old man, a guy called Roger Waters.
In Harmony 2 The second exclusive interview in our series with Roger Waters supporting musicians is now here. From singing on Frank Sinatra’s High Hopes to touring with The Beach Boys and Elton John, singing is literally in Jon Joyce’s DNA. Born into a musical family in Los Angeles, the oldest of five children, his parents Jimmy and Betty Joyce were also vocalists and Jon was a member of the Jimmy Joyce Singers for most of his youth, appearing weekly on television programs such as The Carol Burnett Show and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. He is currently on tour with Roger Waters and gave us some of his time for this Interview with Jon Joyce
David Gilmour For London Wall Show/s? Despite ‘Classic Rock Presents: Prog’ claiming in an interview/article with Roger Waters in September that David Gilmour would appear at a Wall show somewhere in the USA (to play the promised one off Comfortable Numb) the rumours are reaching a crescendo that in fact David will appear at one of Roger’s London O2 Arena shows.(All 6 of them if you believe some rumours!) Classic Rock reported the following back in September: ‘Adding to the excitement of such an appearance was the revelation on Waters’ own Facebook page that Gilmour has now agreed to perform Comfortably Numb at an as-yet unnamed show on Waters’ US tour. …. Naturally the internet has been abuzz with rumour and conjecture about what this might mean and whether it signals a more permanent reunion. At the time of writing, all that’s being talked about is the ‘one off’ appearance in America.’ Now other sources are refuting that, with money being placed on at least one London appearance. Even Mojo have tipped London by reporting in their December issue (issue 205, Dylan cover), “Gilmour himself is rumoured to show up at the London concerts in May”. Watch this space! UPDATE: We have heard from Roger’s Manager about the above rumours who has advised us as follows:: “They are certainly rumours that have no truth, absolutely nothing has been decided”. So there you have it.
New ‘Old’ Article An extensive 6 page article about The Wall tour appeared this weekend (7 Nov) in the Mail On Sunday Funny thing is most of the article was obviously written BEFORE the tour commenced, which has left us wondering why it wasn’t published prior to now? In any event it’s still a good read (Mentions possibility of South America & Australia) and with pictures by Mark Fisher it makes this a must read. (Thanks to all who gave the heads up on this)
In Harmony EXCLUSIVE! AFG is proud to present the first in a series of interviews with Roger Waters supporting musicians. Over the coming months we hope to bring you a bunch of interviews (both written and in audio format) with most (if not all) of the band who are currently on tour with Roger Waters. (We also have our fingers crossed that Roger himself may make a guest appearance!) To start let us introduce you to Michael & Kipp Lennon. Michael is Venice’s producer/engineer, chief instrumentalist, and all-around Go-To Guy. Kipp Lennon is one of the most in-demand session singers in the industry and has achieved pop culture immortality via the animated series The Simpsons, having provided many of the singing voices for the show; including that of Michael Jackson (at Jackson’s request) for the episode “Stark Raving Dad.” So have fun with the first in our exclusive series. In Harmony
Your Chance To Meet Nick Mason In London Nick is currently on a book signing tour promoting his book Passion For Speed, which he co-wrote with Mark Hales. Both Nick & Mark are available to sign copies of the book at Motor Books, 13/15 Cecil Court London, WC2N 4AN on Tuesday 21st September From: 1.00pm. They will be at Waterstones, Leadenhall, London on Wednesday 13th October From: 1.00pm and at Motor Books, 13/15 Cecil Court London, WC2N 4AN on Thursday 25th November From: 1.00pm. (Thanks to Liam Creedon for the heads up)
The Wall For Australia? We have mentioned this before, but speculation is growing that Roger Waters will take his amazing Wall Tour downunder at some stage. A VERY good source has told us that there is a chance, but no details are yet forthcoming. Stay tuned to AFG for all the tour details.
David Gilmour Says No To Full Wall Show The New York Post has reported that David Gilmour turned down an offer to play a full Wall show at the new Yankee Stadium. Roger Waters said “David would never do The Wall. He got back to me with a no within 20 minutes. But it’s fine. It’s OK, I wasn’t upset at all” Regular visitors will recall we exclusively reported back in early November 2009 that Roger had been a guest of Yankees part owner Hank Steinbrenner, who had said, “Tonight I had Roger Waters from Pink Floyd as a guest. We’re trying to get something done with rock concerts as well as the football games”.
Do You Know The Way To San Jose? Well don’t plan on seeing Roger Waters there on 6th December, the show is now scheduled for the 7th! In other news, Roger’s tour recently made it to Billboards “Fall’s 10 Hottest Shows”
A Thank You From Brazil Joaquim Arnês from Brazil has been so impressed with the coverage AFG has been giving to Roger Waters Wall tour he decided to make a banner to thank us. Thank you Joaquim! UPDATE Joaquim obviously found his way to the USA as the banner was spotted being flown at the Boston show on the 30th Sept.
Dark Globe – AFG Exclusive Avid visitors to this site will no doubt have read Julian Palacios’ fantastic book ‘Lost In The Woods’ (Published in 2001) which is considered by many to be the definitive story of Syd Barrett. Now we have some great news for you. Julian has totally re-written (and renamed) his book to bring it bang on up to date, with a bulging 448 pages! The revised edition (Now named Dark Globe) comes out later this month (September) but AFG visitors can get a sneak peek by reading our Exclusive Excerpt. (pdf) This probing study, features a wealth of first-hand interviews with Syd’s family, friends, and members of the band, giving us an unvarnished look at Syd Barrett’s life and work. Once done reading the excerpt we feel sure you will want to get your pre-orders in for the book from our dedicated Amazon links. USA | UK
Wish It Was Here Those who have been hanging out for the release of SACD Wish You Were Here look like waiting some time yet. The smoke signals are indicating that the record companies are still not interested in releasing it, even though it has been completed and ready to go for some time now.
Syd Barrett Fund: Twitter Chat Escape Artists, the socially inclusive arts charity supported by the Syd Barrett Fund, is marking World Mental Health Day this weekend by inviting people to take part in Twitter discussions focusing on two themes close to the subject of Syd. The two questions being asked are: 1/ How does loneliness affect your daily life and mental well being? 2/ Do the arts really help people suffering with mental health problems? Both are on Sunday October 10th which is World Mental Health Day. The first subject will be up for discussion between 3 and 5 PM UK time, with the second happening between 6 and 8 PM. To join in the discussion, you need a Twitter account. In your tweet, include the hashtag #MHchat and your post will be tracked as part of the discussion.EVENT CONCLUDED
Pink Floyd Documentary On Way Scheduled to start shooting this Sunday (19th), is a documentary being filmed about Pink Floyd. It’s to be worldwide broadcast and DVD release and is brought to you by the same people who produced Thin Lizzy: Outlawed: The Real Phil Lynott, Led Zeppelin – Dazed & Confused, Michael Jackson : The Inside Story, Sex Pistols: Agents Of Anarchy & Bob Marley: Freedom Road. This looks to be very promising indeed. Naturally we will keep you informed as to release details.
Wall Dress Rehearsal AMAZING!!! Further to our exclusive story (see below) where we revealed that a private Wall show was to be held this weekend (11th or 12th) somewhere in the USA, we can now tell you that the dress rehearsal was held at the Izod Center East Rutherford, NJ on Sunday evening (12th). There was a mass of security at the event with large signs proclaiming NO CAMERAS NO CELL PHONES. Some of the early reviews we have seen have said ‘Amazing’, ‘Mind-Blowing’, ‘Wow’, ‘Mind bending, emotional, intense, erotic; best live experience in years!’. Here’s a review with a bit more detail:
Tonight I had the chance to see a preview of Roger Waters The Wall in all of its rock glory at the Izod center in NJ where Roger is rehearsing for his upcoming tour. The Wall has always been on my bucket list, so I jumped at the chance to see this new updated live version. I have to tell you that this is much more than a concert, it is an experience and the show has been updated with state-of-the-art technology and new political themes that make the show as relevant and fresh as it was 30 years ago. I know the tickets are expensive, but you have never seen anything like this before.
David Gilmour Will Appear At USA Wall Show Dashing the hopes of multitudes of European fans, (but delighting multitudes of others in the USA) Roger Waters has revealed in an interview with ‘Classic Rock Presents: Prog’ that it will be one of shows in the USA where David Gilmour will guest playing Comfortably Numb. Also in the interview Roger has again confirmed that he will be releasing the ORIGINAL Wall (80/81) “at some point”. (In what format was not stated). He went on to say “And then we’ll have to see after that, (Europe) whether we take it (the tour) to South America or some of the other places that I’d really like to play”. Asked about having difficulty singing some of the songs he said: “I’ve had to drop a couple of them a tone – when you get older you can’t reach the high notes any more. I think Don’t Leave Me Now and One of My Turns we’ve had to drop a tone. And maybe we’ll have to drop Run Like Hell”. Commenting on the possibility of a new album he said “Well I’ve got so many songs written, I keep meaning to get round to organising it. I never seem to get round to it though. It has been a while.” (Many thanks to Natalie for assistance)
David Gilmour About Face Photos Surface We’re happy to tell you that a new set of pictures from David Gilmour’s ‘About Face’ Tour of 1984 have just surfaced and we have added them to our Concert Pictures section. This latest batch were taken at UIC Pavillion Chicago June 8 1984 Have fun!
A Personal Message From Col I will be attending (and reporting on) a number of Roger Waters shows in the USA, thanks to the generosity of members of THE FORUM who are sponsoring me, and flying me from Australia to the US. I’m also delighted to be able to tell you that long time AFG correspondent Simon Wimpenny (Roger Waters fan extraordinaire!) will be maintaining a blog of his travels (Si is attending almost ALL the 2010 shows) and he has given us the green light to use his photos and reviews on AFG. Of course, we still need YOUR reviews & pictures, sound clips, videos etc etc.
Naomi Watts Gets Emotional Over Pink Floyd Meetings Actress Naomi Watts has revealed that she gets emotional every time she meets up with Pink Floyd band members. Naomi, 41, said that the bandmates remind her of the father Peter, who she lost when she was seven. Her father had been Pink Floyd’s road manager and sound engineer, and the band always had new stories to tell her about his wild days. “I get a little emotional every time I see one of them (Pink Floyd), because it’s like, ‘Will there be another story?’” she was quoted as saying. “I don’t have that many memories of my father and I’m always sort of longing for a little anecdote relating to him. “Maybe in the hope that it will tell me something about how he felt about me,” she added.
The Wall Ramps Up With just a few days to go before Roger Waters historic Wall tour kicks off and the excitement in building. We understand that one of Roger’s band members (a long time associate) had this to say “F*&% me it’s going to be absolutely incredible!!!!!!!!!!! “. In addition, a little bird has told us that there will be a PRIVATE show this coming weekend (11th or 12th) somewhere in the USA before the band move to Canada in preparation for the first show in Toronto on 15th September. Kipp Lennon, one of the backup singers, has started his own TOUR BLOG where you can see a few rehearsal pictures. In the meantime members of THE FORUM are putting the final touches to a series of nearly 30 pre & post show meet ups for 2010, with HUGE numbers expected at the Toronto, Chicago and New York shows. If you want to join in the excitement, hop on over to THE FORUM
Wall Rehearsal Sound Clip! We’re not saying too much but there is a very short sound clip that was recorded at The Wall rehearsal a couple of days ago that can be accessed in THE FORUM
An Update On Rehearsals Further to our story on The Wall rehearsals last week. The Times Leader who claimed the rehearsals were at the Mohegan Sun Arena Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, seem to have got the story wrong. The Mohegan Sun Arena WAS used last week, but not for full rehearsals. Our sources tell us it was used for a production run through, with the wall being built (and dismantled last Tuesday 31 Aug). It’s still understood that the entire ensemble of musicians were in full swing last week but at another location. It’s now assumed (although this is certainly not official) that full rehearsals will take place in Toronto, possibly at the Air Canada Centre.
The Making Of ‘Metallic Spheres’ Please note, this is NOT the video that was released last month. This is the Making Of ‘Metallic Spheres’ which runs for 5m 29s.
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Pink Floyd Anthology Edges Closer The long talked about Pink Floyd Anthology seems to be one step closer, with Nick Mason confirming in a new interview with Rhythm Magazine that he is still trying to find material. Nick also states in the interview that Pink Floyd are ” talking about doing a big reissue of the Pink Floyd catalogue because there is the belief that there eventually will be the point that there simply won’t be enough market to generate those sort of packages”. AFG Comment It is our understanding that most (if not all) of the work on the reisssues has been completed. However they will not be available until such a time as the distribution rights of the bands music has been resolved.
The Wall Band Rehearsals Start Next Week Sources have told us that full band rehearsals for Roger Waters upcoming Wall tour will be in full swing next week. (Week commencing 30 August). In the meantime, The Times Leader is reporting that the rehearsals are at the Mohegan Sun Arena Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania.
Storm A Hit In San Francisco The opening night of Storm Thorgerson’s San Francisco ‘Lovers & Covers’ exhibition was a huge success, with in excess of 300 people in attendance. The exhibition, which is showing at the San Francisco Art Exchange until 15th September, presents 50 works of art including 20 never before seen pieces. The show also features Storm’s classic collection of surreal images and album covers. The opening night on 14th August saw Storm himself with the honour of opening the show, along with his design partner, Aubrey (Po) Powell and Peter Curzon from Storm Studios. Nikki Sulon from the San Francisco Art Exchange has been in touch to tell us that they had “A ton of traffic” coming from AFG following our announcement of the show a few weeks ago and Nikki has supplied us with a few pictures of the opening night. More pictures can be found on Facebook All photos courtesy of Laura Brown.
Where Did They Go? Over the last month or so we have had a good deal of information coming in telling us that many Pink Floyd albums are no longer available online, in place such as Amazon etc. Many of you will no doubt already know that this is due to a legal dispute Pink Floyd had with EMI. We are anticipating a major announcement at some stage will be made concerning the future of Pink Floyd’s music distribution, but have been advised (not asked) to make no further comment at this time.
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The ORB Featuring David Gilmour Come October you will be able to purchase the full album ‘Metallic Spheres’. If the clip above is anything to go by, this is going to be sensational. Metallic Spheres is designed to be heard in two parts – ‘Metallic Side’ (24’48”), and ‘Spheres Side’ (25’09”) – each ‘side’ containing five movements. The album features David’s guitar and lap steel guitar, plus some of his vocals from Chicago; Alex Paterson contributes sound manipulation, keyboards and turntables, while Youth adds bass and keyboards and handles the production. The album will be available in various formats: CD; digital download; and 180-gram vinyl LP. There will also be a 2-CD version, including an extra disc, featuring an alternative mix of the album in the new 3D60™ process, which creates a 360-degree sound experience when heard on headphones, using stereo tracks without the need for any special audio equipment.
Roger Waters Wall Lineup Change There has been a small lineup change to Roger Waters backing vocalists for the upcoming Wall tour. Michael Lennon from the band Venice, who was originally scheduled to appear has had to withdraw stating “After a fair amount of vocal rehearsals the vocal part I was assigned ended up out of my natural range, and made it very difficult for me to consistently deliver……and I don’t like “not delivering.” Michael will be replaced by his cousin Pat Lennon who is also from the band Venice. Our thanks go to Pete, the guitar tech for Michael Lennon for the heads up on this.
Roger Waters & David Gilmour Hoping Foundation Video To Be Released Roger Waters has announced on his Facebook page that video footage of the Hoping Foundation charity event featuring Roger & David Gilmour, which was held at Kiddington Hall in Oxfordshire last month, will be released this coming Monday (August 16th) at 5pm UK time. The 29 minute video will be released on Hoping Foundation site. Currently you can watch a two minute preview on Roger’s Facebook page. UPDATE David’s wife, Polly, is to thank for the video. She gave it to the Hoping Foundation for exclusive use on their website, with the wish that fans would perhaps consider making a modest donation in return for viewing it.
New Syd Barrett Compilation On Way October will see the release of a new EMI/Harvest Syd Barrett collection called ‘An Introduction to Syd Barrett’, that will bring together for the first time the tracks of Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett on one compilation. David Gilmour, who originally worked with Syd on the solo albums by co-producing ‘The Madcap Laughs’ and as producer of ‘Barrett’ has taken the role of executive producer for the album and has, along with Damon Iddins and Andy Jackson at Astoria Studios, remixed five tracks including Octopus, She Took A Long Cool Look, Dominoes and Here I Go on which David Gilmour has added and played bass guitar. Pink Floyd’s Matilda Mother also receives a fresh 2010 mix. Brand new artwork has been provided by Storm Thorgerson and his estimable studio.
Arnold Layne (2010 Digital Remaster)
See Emily Play (2010 Digital Remaster)
Apples And Oranges (2010 Digital Remaster)
Matilda Mother (Alternative Version) (2010 Mix)
Chapter 24 (2010 Digital Remaster)
Bike (2010 Digital Remaster)
Terrapin (2010 Digital Remaster)
Love You (2010 Digital Remaster)
Dark Globe (2010 Digital Remaster)
Here I Go (2010 Remix)
Octopus (2010 Mix)
She Took A Long Cool Look (2010 Mix)
If It’s In You (2010 Digital Remaster)
Baby Lemonade (2010 Digital Remaster)
Dominoes (2010 Mix)
Gigolo Aunt (2010 Digital Remaster)
Effervescing Elephant (2010 Digital Remaster)
Bob Dylan Blues (2010 Digital Remaster)
The album will be available from Amazon.US as an import as from 12 October. UPDATE David Gilmour’s Blog states that ‘Of greatest interest to those who need no introduction to Syd, though, is the previously-unreleased 20-minute instrumental, ‘Rhamadan’. This is to be offered as an extra track for download, should you purchase either the CD or iTunes version of the album in its entirety’.
Snowy White’s New Album Out Soon After a nearly 3 year haul with Roger Waters Dark Side Of The Moon Tour, Snowy White loved touring so much he put together his own band, The Snowy White Blues Project, and since 2008 has toured the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Greece, Romania, and Israel! September will see the release of Snowy’s new album ‘In Our Time…Live’ which captures the band at full power at one of their favourite venues De Boerderij (The Farm) Zoetermeer Holland in February 2010. In Our Time… Live is a recording made by four musicians who love nothing more than to play together. Roy Martin’s solid-as-a-rock groove, Ruud Weber Jr’s soulful vocals and bass and Matt Taylor’s electrifying guitar work perfectly complement Snowy’s emotive and beautifully nuanced playing and allow him to sit back and play the music that inspired him to pick up a guitar in the first place – the blues. The album is due for general release in September but can be downloaded from iTunes now or can be ordered HERE and you will receive it at least 6 weeks before the official release date. By the way, Snowy assures us he will be back on the road with The Snowy White Blues Project after he finishes with The Wall tour.
Roger Makes Major Donation To West Bank Cinema Regular visitors will recall we reported on Roger’s visits to the Middle East in 2006 & 2009. You may remember whilst in Israel in 2009 Roger visited a former movie theater in Jenin that was shut down in 1987. Work had started in 2008 to renovate the cinema and Roger became involved in the project. It has now been revealed that Roger has donated the new sound system and a whooping $200,000 towards the project. The great news is the newly renovated cinema is set to open in early August. There’s a fascinating story on how this all came about so set aside a minute and read more details.
‘Great Gig’ Piano Up For Auction Valued at up to £150,000, an Abbey Road studios piano used by Pink Floyd & The Beatles is for sale. The Challen upright piano, is believed to have been used by Pink Floyd on a number of recordings, including the Wish You Were Here and Dark Side of the Moon albums. The piano was also featured on several Beatles songs, including Tomorrow Never Knows and Paperback Writer. The piano was originally located in Studio Three at Abbey Road until it was retired from service in the 1980s. The pre-sale estimate for the piano is £100,000 – 150,000. Viewings for the sale will take place at Bonhams, London on August 2-5 and at Goodwood, August 13-15. More Info
The Wall For Australia? We don’t want to get your expectations up, only to have your hopes crushed if this turns out not to happen, but we have been told by a trusted source, that early negotiations are taking place in order to try to get Roger Waters to tour The Wall downunder. It’s understood that if all goes according to plan the newly launched Live Nation Australia will handle the tour. We wish to stress that this is only an unconfirmed rumour at this time.
SCOOP!!! – First Floyd Site With The News – David Gilmour To Appear With Roger Waters On The Wall Tour!!!!! Incredible as it may seem it’s been confirmed by none other than Roger Waters that David Gilmour WILL appear at ONE Wall show on Roger’s upcoming tour!!! In a message on Facebook Roger posted the following, which is reproduced in full here.
So here’s what happened. Last year, ‘The Hoping Foundation’ a charity that supports Palestinian refugee kids, ( put on a fund raiser at Ronnie Scott’s Club in London, the idea of which was to raise money by auctioning karaoke performances by various celebrities. David was there as a supporter and was moved to perform an impromptu rendition of George Gershwin’s ‘Summertime?’ which he performed aided and abetted by supermodel Kate Moss.
In the wake of that evening, someone, I think it was David himself, came up with this ‘Wouldn’t it be funny’, idea. What if he (David that is) were to sing the old Teddy Bears song ‘To Know Him Is To Love Him’ with me (Roger that is), what with us having been so famously at each other’s throats for years and years. Get it!!!! Anyway he E-mailed me with this suggestion and I loved it, so then it was just a question of juggling dates and deciding to do ‘Wish You Were Here’ and ‘Comfortably Numb’ to round out our little set. Or so I thought, until he sent me a number of very musical and eloquent demos of how we could do the song in two-part harmony. I listened with a sinking heart, knowing that David, with his superior vocal skills, could sing either part standing on his head, whilst I would have to search for a different key and then struggle through hours and hours of routining a performance that lay way outside my vocal comfort zone. To my eternal shame I bottled out and told Dave I would happily do ‘Wish You Were Here’ and ‘C. Numb’, but that ‘To Know him is to Love him’ was beyond me.
Some weeks passed with David cajoling me from time to time, telling me how easy it would be, but I clung resolutely to my fear of failure until one day he made one final entreaty. I quote “If you do ‘To Know Him Is To Love Him’ for The Hoping Foundation Gig, I’ll come and do ‘C. Numb’ on one of your Wall shows”. Well! You could have knocked me down with a feather. How fucking cool! I was blown away. How could I refuse such an offer. I couldn’t, there was no way. Generosity trumped fear. And so explaining that I would probably be shite, but if he didn’t mind I didn’t, I agreed and the rest is history. We did it, and it was fucking great. End of story. Or possibly beginning.
PS. Just heard from David, he will decide in due course which gig he wants to do, it will be a surprise!
£50,000 For A Rendition Of Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2! As the main stream media and other Floyd sites try to catch up with our incredible scoop regarding David & Roger playing together, Rolling Stone have revealed that David & Roger were originally planning to play three songs, but one attendee, British financier Arpad Busson, was so taken with the performance, he donated £50,000 to get them to play Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2. Meanwhile, David’s wife Polly Samson (an accomplished photographer) has published a great selection of shots from the event and the rehearsals on her site
New Bryan Ferry Album On Way (Featuring David Gilmour) 25th October is a date to mark in your diary. It sees the release of Bryan Ferry’s new album named ‘Olympia’ which features a variety of guest artists including David Gilmour. The release comes in a number of formats and can be pre ordered through our dedicated Amazon links (Ships worldwide) Box Set | Standard CD | CD+DVD
SCOOP! DAVID GILMOUR & ROGER WATERS PERFORM TOGETHER!!!!! – FIRST FLOYD SITE WITH THE NEWS! It’s True! David Gilmour & Roger Waters performed together at the Hoping Foundation Benefit Evening on Saturday 10 July. The event, organised by Bella Freud and Karma Nabulsi, took place at Kidlington in Oxfordshire, England and raised £350,000. They performed four songs ‘To Know Him Is To Love Him’, ‘Wish You Were Here’, ‘Comfortably Numb’ and ‘Another Brick in the Wall (Part Two)’ before 200 guests. The line up consisted of Guy Pratt (on bass and acoustic guitar), Harry Waters (on keyboards), Andy Newmark (on drums), Chester Kamen (on guitar) and Jonjo Grisdale (also on keyboards). We heard from David’s Manager a few weeks ago that something was brewing but this did come as a complete surprise to us. CHECK OUT THE FORUM FOR MORE INFO. UPDATE It’s been confirmed by the Hoping Foundation that NO official recording took place by them.
San Francisco Storm Warning The City by the Bay is to host Storm Thorgerson’s Lovers & Covers exhibition from August 14th until 15th September. This time Storm will be presenting 50 works of art including 20 never before seen pieces. The show will also feature Storm’s classic collection of surreal images and album covers. Storm himself is visiting San Francisco Art Exchange on Saturday, August 14 at the invite only reception celebrating the opening night of his show. Also attending the reception is Storm’s design partner, Aubrey Powell. The gallery is situated at 458 Geary Street San Francisco CA (415) 441-8840 Gallery Hours: Mon-Wed 10 am – 6 pm, Thu-Sat 10 am – 9 pm., Sun 10 am. – 5 pm.
New Syd Barrett Book On Way Essential Works are currently assembling Barrett – a large-format illustrated book centred on the creative life of Roger ‘Syd’ Barrett. Superbly produced, it will be the definitive visual companion to Syd’s work. The book has been authorized by the Syd Barrett Estate and a percentage of the sales from it will go to the Estate. The author, Russell Beecher has been in touch to tell us that the book will feature Over 100 images covering Syd’s life, out of which more than 60 are unseen and unpublished, including:
- Images from the Barrett family archive
- Images from Nick Mason’s personal archive
- Images from the London Free School Benefit gigs at All Saints Church, the Architects Association gig, the launch of International Times at The Roundhouse, and UFO
- Syd playing with Pink Floyd in Aarhus, Denmark
- Images from the Madcap Laughs session, previously believed to have been lost
More information about the book can be found at Publication is expected in the English Autumn this year and is expected to cost around £60
Guy Pratt Heads For The Land Of The Long White Cloud Kiwis can get excited. Bassist Guy Pratt will be heading for New Zealand in August putting in an appearance at the G-TARanaki International Music Week on the 12th & 13th August. Guy appears at the midnight sessions with a host of other artists. MORE INFO (With thanks to Nigel Townsend.for the heads up)
An exhibition of fine art prints by Stormstudios & Hipgnosis
Gallery at OXO, Bargehouse Street, London SE1 9PH
Open daily from 11am to 6pm until Sunday 25th July
The Wall 80/81 DVD On Way? There’s an interesting article in the Illinois Times (24 June) that features an interview with the band Venice, who as you may know, will be doing the backing vocals on Roger Waters upcoming ‘The Wall’ tours. In the article, Michael Lennon, one of the members of Venice had this to say. “Roger Waters was in my living room drinking Coronas while we watched a DVD of the first Wall tour.” Now we’re hoping that this might be the long awaited DVD that we know Roger has been working on. FULL ARTICLE
David Gilmour & Jools Holland Join Al Green on UK TV UK viewers should enjoy the Jonathan Ross show tonight, (Friday 18 June) because the legend that is Al Green is performing ‘Let’s Stay Together’. Equally legendary is his backing band, specially recruited for the occasion as a one-off preview for Al’s tour. Jools Holland kindly stepped into the breech to provide the core of his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra, and invited David Gilmour to play guitar. The full lineup is: David Gilmour – guitar; Jools Holland – piano; his brother Christopher – organ; Gilson Lavis – drums; Lisa Grahame and Phil Veacock – saxes; Chris Storr – trumpet, and from Al’s Musical Director Barry Campbell on bass. It’s on BBC One in the UK at 10:35pm.
Storm Thorgerson – Film Star! Currently in pre-production is an in-depth 90 minute documentary (Aptly named ‘Taken By Storm’) about our favourite album designer Storm Thorgerson. As well as Storm, the film will feature David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Robert Plant, Peter Gabriel, Aubrey Powell, Graham Gouldman, Alan Parsons, and members of Catherine Wheel, Muse, The Mars Volta, Biffy Clyro, Damien Hirst and Sir Peter Blake. In addition there will be numerous photographers, illustrators & assistants who have helped Storm create his work during the last 40 plus years. Taken by Storm documents Thorgerson’s idiosyncratic artistic process (For example: Dragging 765 iron beds onto a beach for the A Momentary Lapse of Reason album). The movie also explores how one of the most powerful image-makers in rock and roll transcended the constraints of commercial marketing to realize his unique artistic vision, creating a powerful visual legacy that resonates throughout contemporary culture. UPDATE Roddy Bogawa the Director of the movie has been in touch and asked us to let you know that funding for the film is currently being sought. You can make ‘pledges’ for “rewards” at different levels. Some of the “rewards” are art works donated by Storm, including some original HIPGNOSIS photo layout boards and also his storyboard sketches for the PF stage films. You can find out more about how you can get involved by visiting but be quick as this opportunity is only available for a very short time.
City Wakes 2 Festival Delayed Regular visitors will recall we revealed some time ago that the organisers of The City Wakes festival that was held in Cambridge in 2008 were planning on holding a second festival in London in November this year. The festival, in honour of the late Syd Barrett, was to feature art, photography and letters with a comprehensive display of Syd’s work, and serious art interpretation. Sadly, due to reasons beyond the organisers control, the festival has been delayed until March 2011.
Roger Waters ‘Live In Berlin’ On Blu-Ray ‘ Roger Waters The Wall Live In Berlin 1990’ enjoys it’s 20th anniversary this year and to celebrate there’s to be a special release in July in both the DVD & Blu-Ray format. We know that many don’t rate the performance and original Video & DVD release in your top 10, but it might be worth grabbing a copy, as there will be some new content, including interviews. We will have ordering details for you as soon as they become available. UPDATE We understand the release has now been put back until the last quarter of this year. More news when we get it.
Unique Q&A With Syd Barrett Book Author have just published an interesting Q&A session with Rob Chapman, author of the recently released Syd Barrett book ‘A Very Irregular Head’. In the Q&A Rob answers questions sent to him by fans, which give a great insight as to how the book came to be written. Also make sure you look for a passage from the rough draft of his book which didn’t make it into the final edition. If you wish to order a copy of the book please use our dedicated AFG links. Amazon USA | Amazon UK
Roger Waters – We Shall Overcome Regular visitors will recall that we reported in January that Roger Waters had recorded an old classic. He sprung the surprise announcement on the Jim Ladd show show on 95.5 KLOS in Los Angeles on 18 Jan, when he produced the recording (made by him just days before) of the old classic protest song We Shall Overcome. The song was originally published in 1947 has been covered by many artists since, with perhaps the best known version being by Joan Baez in the 1960’s. Roger has of course been an outspoken critic on the plight of Palestinians living in the shadow of Israel’s controversial separation barrier and more recently has slammed the attack made on the people of Gaza by Israeli armed forces and the ongoing ‘illegal siege’ (Roger’s words). He fully supported the historic Gaza Freedom March on 31 December, concluding his remarks about the march with “We Shall Overcome”. We said before that we wouldn’t be surprised to see Roger’s version of this song being used in some way to support his views on the Palestinian situation and that came to pass as the video has just become available although not for public viewing..
Pink Floyd Back With EMI? We are still following up on this but we understand that despite the recent court case, where Pink Floyd sued EMI for miscalculation of their royalty payments, Pink Floyd have signed a new deal with EMI. Obviously no new releases are expected to be recorded, so if this story is true it could mean that some of the back catalogue might get an overhaul of some description.UPDATE We followed up on this story with Pink Floyd’s Co-Manager and were advised ‘Rumours currently not true’ (Our emphasis)
Roger Waters 2011 European Dates Announced Well we did tell you the announcement was imminent!
Mar 21
Atlantico Pavilion
Lisbon Portugal
Mar 25
Palacio de Deportes
Madrid Spain
Mar 29
Palau Sant Jordi
Barcelona Spain
Apr 1
Milan Italy
Apr 2
Milan Italy
Apr 8
Arnhem Netherlands
Apr 12
Sports Arena
Budapest Hungary
Apr 15
O2 Arena
Prague Czech Republic
Apr 18
Atlas Arena
Lodz Poland
Apr 23
Moscow Russia
Apr 25
SKK Arena
St. Petersburg Russia
Apr 27
Hartwall Arena
Helsinki Finland
Apr 30
Oslo Norway
May 4
Ericsson Globe
Stockholm Sweden
May 7
Copenhagen Denmark
May 11
O2 Arena
London UK
May 12
O2 Arena
London UK
May 17
O2 Arena
London UK
May 20
Manchester Evening News Arena
Manchester UK
May 21
Manchester Evening News Arena
Manchester UK
May 23
O2 Arena
Dublin Ireland
May 27
Antwerp Belgium
May 30
Paris France
Jun 3
SAP Arena
Mannheim Germany
Jun 6
Zurich Switzerland
Jun 10
Colorline Arena
Hamburg Germany
Jun 15
O2 Arena
Berlin Germany
Jun 18
Esprit Arena
Düsseldorf Germany
It’s expected more shows will be added. We have already been told (Unofficially) that Vienna, Zagreb, Belgrade and Athens could be added at the end of June 2011. We will have full ticketing information for you as soon as it becomes available.
Roger Waters 2011 Tour Dates Imminent? It’s understood (although not official) that the dates & venues of Roger Waters 2011 leg of his Wall tour are about to be announced. The 2011 tour is expected to kick off in March and go through to June. We have been told (again unofficially) that Roger’s London shows will be sometime in the UK spring and that they will be at the O2 Arena and not Earls Court. Again we stress that this news is all unofficial. Keep checking daily, the minute those dates are released you will read about them here. UPDATE See above, our info was bang on once again!
Nick’s Helmets Nicked! Nick Mason’s home has been raided by burglars – who stole a a bunch of crash helmets. Nick came home to his house in Hampstead (London) to find his garage unlocked. Nick said “They took eight helmets. The one that was significant was pink. It’s quite distinctive so the number of people who had a helmet that colour would be limited. It would be nice to get them back.” The raiders ignored a valuable Harley Davidson motorbike in the garage. If you know anything about this crime, please contact your local police or CONTACT US
Doubts Cast Over The Wall In South America We know that there are many many people wanting to know more details about the second leg of Roger Waters Wall tour of Europe and other parts of the world. To date unfortunately there is still very little information to be had. We can however tell you that on a recent visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jon Carin told AFG correspondent Martin Sciaccaluga that it would be very difficult to bring the show to South America and that it’s unlikely that the show would travel there. He said the problem was that there are not many arenas to support the infrastructure of the show, although he added Roger was eager to tour there. Regular readers will recall that Roger said in an interview with BILLBOARD in April that ‘he’d like to take the show to other territories, including South America’. You can be sure that as soon as anything regarding the second leg of the tour is announced that you will read it here in record time!
Now the dust has settled a bit on ticket sales we would like to take this opportunity of inviting you to one of the many AFG ‘Convocations’ that are being arranged throughout the length & breadth of North America. Here’s you chance to hook up with like minded friends before the show/s, trade stories and even exchange tickets in our NON PROFIT ticket trading/purchasing & want areas. Just join THE FORUM to find out how.
It’s KAOS We Tell You! No, we don’t mean the AFG office (Although we are flat out!) we mean Roger Waters Radio KAOS tour of 1987. We have just turned up a nice little collection of photos from that tour and thought you might want to look back in time.
Roger Waters Discussing TheWall Tour
(With unseen footage of the 80/81 tour)
Nick At The Mille Miglia 2010 Currently bombing around Italy (as at May 8) is Nick Mason who is participating in the Mille Miglia, the road race from Brescia, Italy, to Rome and back. Pictures (click to enlarge) courtesy of Sara Guidoni-Vidoni with thanks to Stefano Tarquini for the heads up
Roger Waters Tickets Selling Like Hot Cakes! WOW! We knew there was going to be a great demand for Roger Waters tour tickets but the AMEX Pre-Sale on 3 May went bananas! We have had reports of tickets selling out within a few minutes for some venues and of very limited supplies being left for others. There’s still hope for those who entered the iTunes (May 6) & (May 5) pre-sales, and not forgetting of course that tickets go on general sale on May 10th. In the meantime, if you are looking for guidance on obtaining the best tickets make sure you visit THE FORUM
Roger Waters To Guest On Late Night Show Set your controls to the Late Show with Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday 5 May. Jimmy’s guests will be Roger Waters and Nina Dobrev with the musical guests being The New Pornographers. MORE DETAILS
Don’t Hold Your Breath For Roger’s New Album! In a recent interview Roger Waters has said “I have a ton of songs, some of them are recorded, and some of them are half-recorded, and I keep promising myself that I’m gonna find a collaborator and work on them and put them together in some kind of coherent form,” he continued. “I suspect I will do that in some time in the near future. But it’s strange how time keeps clicking away. And each page turns faster then the last, in my experience.” With work underway on his upcoming Wall tour it’s hard to see that a new album will be out any time soon. In other news, Ticketmaster are advertising a second show at the IZOD Center East Rutherford, NJ on 5 November although this has not appeared on Roger’s official site yet and there has been no confirmation from Roger’s Manager either. AFG for all your Roger Waters news as it happens. UPDATE Ticketmaster have now withdrawn the NJ show on 5 November.
Roger Waters Touring Band Officially Announced
Drums: Graham Broad
Guitars: Dave Kilminster, G.E. Smith, Snowy White
Keyboards: Jon Carin, Harry Waters
Lead Vocals: Robbie Wyckoff
Backing Vocals: Jon Joyce, Mark Lennon, Michael Lennon, Kipp Lennon
Roger Waters Ticket Information We are currently being belted with emails asking the best way to obtain tickets for Roger’s upcoming tour. We are unable to help directly in this regard, but do suggest that you join THE FORUM where there is lots of information on this very subject.
New Scarfe Wall Book On Way It’s been confirmed that British satirist Gerald Scarfe is currently compiling a book on his work with Pink Floyd on The Wall live shows and film.The book is geared towards Floyd fans who will enjoy hearing anecdotes, seeing unpublished images and photographs. It’s to be published in September, which will coincide with Roger Waters new tour of The Wall. If you can’t wait for that one, we recommend Drawing Blood: Forty Five Years of Scarfe Uncensored (Hardcover) Amazon US (Ships worldwide)
Doctor Doctor! Here’s a nice prescription. Brain Damage Podcasts have just released the latest edition of their immensely popular Pink Floyd Podcasts and this one is a cracker! Featuring the 40th anniversary of the BBC Archives 67-69, with some fantastic sounding tracks, you can also get to listen to Ron from Harvested talking about his involvement with Pink Floyd live recordings. This one is not to be missed and can be downloaded HERE
Mystery of ‘The Pill’ Finally Resolved Some years ago AFG featured a display featuring some really nice pictures of Pink Floyd in concert that were taken at ‘Pill Centre’ Edinburgh University in 1971. At the time there was confusion over what date the show actually took place. There were initial claims the the performance was on 2 June, but others claimed the show was on 19 May, which seemed unlikely at the time, because many Floyd history books state that on the 19th May Pink Floyd played at the Caledonian Cinema in Edinburgh. Some time after we published the initial exhibition, Glenn Povey, Pink Floyd historian and author of the amazing Echoes: The Complete History of Pink Floyd got in touch with AFG to say that his research had revealed that the show scheduled for 19th May at the Caledonian Cinema never took place, and instead the gig was transferred to the ‘Pill Centre’. We published this information at the time, but now Glenn has gone one better and actually managed to locate a ticket for the show that proves conclusively that the show took place on 19 May. So, we have repackaged The Pill exhibition and now present it in it’s new form, along with the ticket and invite your inspection
Roger Waters Tour Rooms Now Open We have been working our fingers to the bone to prepare the tour rooms for the 2010 leg of Roger’s tour, and they are now open and awaiting your contributions.They currently contain venue information (Directions, seating charts, Ticketmaster links & the like) but hopefully they will soon be packed with information that you send to us. Naturally, if you come across any video interviews with Roger about a particular show, we would be delighted to get links to those. As usual, we will be giving this tour extensive coverage but need YOU to help us. Prior to each shows performance we will be looking for newspaper & magazine articles & ticket scans. After the shows we will be on the lookout for pictures, reviews, links to sound & video, or anything else related. Your reviews usually get read by some very important people (no names, but you would be surprised!) so they are a very important part of our tour coverage. For more information and to visit the tour rooms please check out the WALL TOUR ZONE
No Female Backing Singers Confirmed As we reported in March, there will be no female backing singers on Roger’s tour, as it has now been announced that Michael, Mark and Kipp Lennon from the band Venice will be doing the backing vocals Venice Web Site AFG Here for the long haul.
Get Set! Stand by for an announcement about another 57 Roger Waters tour dates beginning in March 2011 in Europe. It’s also possible that South America made be included.
The Wall 2010 News Roundup Wow! it’s a wonder the AFG server managed to survive the onslaught of the many thousands of you who have been flocking to this site hourly over the last few days. Yesterday (12 April) was the third busiest day this site has had in it’s almost 13 year history! The interest in Roger Waters Wall tour has been staggering, and there are stories and articles popping up all over the place, so much so that it’s been hard to track everything that’s going on. To help, we have decided to bring you some of the highlights that have been confirmed for the tour and that have just been announced. We are delighted to say that Dave Kilminster has been confirmed for the lead (and of Course Snowy is on board as reported below). The show will be a state-of-the art affair, featuring a 240-foot-wide and 35-foot-tall wall constructed and subsequently torn down during the concerts. Gerald Scarfe, who worked on the original tour and the1982 film, is providing new art and redesigning puppets and inflatable objects. (Video technology allows for projections twice the size of those in the original Wall dates). Roger has also said that this will probably be his last tour saying in one interview “I have a swan song in me and I think this will probably be it.” It’s also expected that more dates, including shows in Europe, will be announced in the near future. So, that’s a quick roundup about what’s happening but you can be sure we will bring you any updates the moment they come to hand. Don’t forget. there’s always more news in THE FORUM
So How Did We Do? Now that Roger Waters tour details have been announced, we have gone back over all the information the AFG team turned up about the tour (Since Oct 2010) and here is our report card.
What we reported
What happened
Oct 2009 – Will Roger Tour The Wall?
Feb 2010 – Auditions are underway
We understand this was true
Feb 2010 Dave Kilminster will get the lead spot
March 2010 Tour Dates To Be Announced In April
They were
March 2010 50 + dates
Nearly 40 dates announced so far with more expected.
March 2010 North American dates only will be announced
March 2010 Tour to kick off in mid September, going through to mid December
Spot on
March 2010 Rehearsals starting sometime in August
We understand this to be true
March 2010 There will not be any female backing singers on this tour
March 2010 Rehearsals will definitely be in the USA
We stand by this information
9 April 2010 Tour tickets will go on sale in May with a special ticketing system
Special ticketing system confirmed, tickets do go on sale in May.
9 April 2010 The tour announcement might include a number of other ‘projects’ Roger has been working on.
Wrong, but watch out for some announcements in the near future
The Wall – Dortmund Germany – 16 February 1981 It’s the season of The Wall and to celebrate we can now reveal some stunning images that have never been seen on the internet before. Exclusive to A Fleeting Glimpse, these fantastic photographs were taken by the then 17 year old Peter Koks, who used money from his paper round to pay for his concert ticket! Read Peter’s story and get ready to be blown away by this great exhibition. Check ‘Em Out
Snowy White Confirmed For Tour It’s been officially announced that Snowy White will be on Roger Waters upcoming tour. Good on Ya Snowy!
2010 Wall Tour Latest Like every fan on the planet, those of us on the team at AFG can hardly contain ourselves about the upcoming tour announcement. It’s going to be really interesting to see how the information we have given you about the tour since last October pans out. Being the first site to bring you the news has meant that our visitor numbers have increased dramatically over the last few months, and we know many of you come here daily to get the latest updates. So, on the eve of the announcement, we would like to invite those of you who are not yet members of THE FORUM to join us today. Much of the information you read on AFG site is sourced from THE FORUM and there’s lots of info going around that doesn’t make it to the site. (For example the current buzz is that tour tickets will go on sale in May and a special ticketing system for the fans only may be announced). There’s also the possibility that the tour announcement will also include a number of other ‘projects’ Roger has been working on, but you will need to join THE FORUM to learn more about that. Come on, what are you waiting for?, sign up for FREE and get to meet THOUSANDS of Floyd/Waters who are keen and eager to talk with you on the internet’s most active Floyd/Waters forum. (Image thanks to forum member ashmanmedia)
Partial Pink Floyd Gig! Guy Pratt, along with Jon Carin and Durga McBroom, will be performing with Argentine Pink Floyd tribute ‘The End’ on 24th and 25th April. Gran Rex Theater, Buenos Aires, Argentina. More Info
Roger Waters 2010 Wall Tour To Be Officially Announced! Well we told you the tour was to be announced in April and we have just had official confirmation from Roger’s Manager that the tour will be announced from 2pm EST Monday April 12th on Roger’s official site
Come On Dave – We Won’t Tell Guitar virtuoso Dave Kilminster who played lead on Roger Waters Dark Side Of The Moon Tour (2006, 2007, 2008) and is the hot favourite for lead in Roger’s upcoming The Wall Tour had this to say on his Facebook page recently. Under the heading ‘New Music, New Tours, New News from Dave K! it said “And there is one final thing for later in the year that I’d dearly LOVE to mention… but I can’t!!!! Sorry” and “Rest assured that I’ll tell you all about it in the next installment though!!!!”. So, that got us thinking, we feel that Dave is going to tell us:
- He is going to buy a fish and chip shop OR
- He is going on tour with Roger Waters
The Wall – Earls Court 14 June 1981 We have managed to obtain a collection of never seen before photos that were taken at Pink Floyd’s performance of The Wall at Earls Court London on 14 June 1981. Although not the best quality, they still give you a trip down memory lane, and are well worth a few minutes of your time. They have been added to our ever growing collection of concert pictures (This is our 4th Wall 80/81 exhibition) and we are always on the lookout for more. If you have any old Floyd concert photos please contact us , you will make a lot of Floyd fans very happy indeed! SHOW ME THE PICTURES
Roger Waters Tour Room Open To assist visitors to keep track of all the information relating to Roger’s upcoming Wall Tour, we have set aside a dedicated place where all the news is in the one spot. This hopefully will help those who want to find out all the info about the tour without having to troll through the rest of the site. 2010 TOUR ROOM
Singer Lesley Duncan Passes Singer-songwriter Lesley Duncan passed away on 12 March after a long illness; she was 66. Floyd fans will know that Lesley performed backing vocals on Dark Side Of The Moon in 1973. She is probably best remembered for the beautiful duet of her song Love Story that was on Elton John’s Tumbleweed Connection album, one of the few songs he recorded in his career that he didn’t compose himself. Over her career, she recorded five albums and sang backup for John, the Dave Clark Five, the Alan Parsons Project, Dusty Springfield and as noted backup vocals on Dark Side of the Moon.
Roger Waters 2010-2011 Tour News It’s becoming clear that the 50+ dates that we reported a few weeks ago are North American dates only. It seems that the original idea of 8 cities with multiple dates has been scrapped and that this part of the tour will be a 50+ arena show. Information about the UK, Europe and other parts of the world is scant and we have very little information about that, it seems pretty obvious that this will not happen until 2011. The North American leg looks like kicking off in mid September, going through to mid December with rehearsals starting sometime in August. We have been contacted by a number of sources throughout North America with venues & dates but will not publish this information until it’s officially confirmed by Roger’s Management. (We don’t want you making arrangements only to find out later that the information wasn’t factual). Stay tuned to AFG for all the tour info.
Tour Dates To Be Announced In April? We understand (unofficially) that the Roger Waters tour dates are to be announced in April sometime. We have also heard mention of 50+ dates, although it’s unclear if this is to be at 50+ venues or the 8 cities as originally planned with multiple dates at each. Our guess is 50+ arenas but we can’t confirm that at this time. We will continue to keep you updated as news come in. In the meantime hundreds of fans are joining THE FORUM each week to get the inside scoop on the latest information. Many of you will be aware that during Roger’s last tour we had cast & crew members on the forum and expect this time to be no different. Come and join us and keep yourself informed!
Pink Floyd In Court Regular visitors will recall we reported in early 2009 that Pink Floyd were about to sue EMI claiming that the label has miscalculated their royalty payments. Now the matter has reached the High Court and hearings commence today (March 9th). Pink Floyd signed with EMI in 1967 and have been one of the company’s most profitable acts. In the last 25 years, sales of their back catalogue have only been bettered by the Beatles. A spokesman for Pink Floyd said no members of the band were likely to attend court at this “early stage”. UPDATE Pink Floyd Win Case. Pink Floyd tracks may be removed from digital music services like iTunes after the High Court ruling today (March 11). Their latest record deal, signed with EMI before legal downloads came along, said individual songs must not be sold without the band’s permission. They argued that the same rule should apply to digital sales as well as CDs. EMI disagreed but a judge has sided with Pink Floyd. The ruling is part of a long-running battle between the two sides over £10m in unpaid royalties. EMI said it had not yet been ordered to stop selling single Pink Floyd tracks. That may come at a later stage in the case, however. In court, Chancellor Sir Andrew Morritt said the contract contained a clause to “preserve the artistic integrity of the albums”. He said the contract meant EMI were “not entitled to exploit recording by online distribution or by any other means other than the original album, without the consent of Pink Floyd”.
Roger Waters Tour Latest Information is now starting to flow and here’s some news to keep you up to date. Andy Fairweather Low (who has been a regular in Roger’s band on & off for 24 years) will not be on the upcoming Wall Tour. Andy has has confirmed in a Recent Interview (25 Feb) that he was approached by Roger to join him but due to a number of factors will not be on board this time around. It’s now becoming clear the the tour will not commence until LATE this year and all the indicators are that it will go ahead, despite there being no official announcement at this time. Although not official, we are hearing rumblings that Dave Kilminster will get the lead spot but there will be no participation by Ian Ritchie (both of whom toured with Roger previously). Don’t forget you can get more up to the minute news on THE FORUM
Dope In Scotland The cult movie DOPE will be screening at the Glasgow Film Festival on Sunday 28 Feb at 16.00. Regular visitors will recall we reviewed this movie last year because it features a couple of minutes of Syd Barrett’s Pink Floyd performing at UFO in 1967.

Syd Barret Site Gets A Facelift The official Syd Barrett site has been given a lick of paint (well more than a lick actually, it’s now a psychedelic heaven!) Well worth checking out
The End Of Abbey Road? Abbey Road, the London recording studios immortalised by The Beatles album of the same name has been put on the market by EMI. Pink Floyd fans will know that this is where The Dark Side Of The Moon was recorded (and of course The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn at the same time The Beatles were recording Sgt. Pepper). EMI have not commented at this time, but it appears that a number of people familiar with the situation told the Financial Times EMI had been courting bidders for the property. EMI bought the house at number 3 Abbey Road for £100,000 in 1929 and transformed it into the world’s first custom-built recording studios.
Holy Seal Of Approval From Vatican For Pink Floyd L’Osservatore Romano, a weekly newspaper issued by the Holy See (Published since1861, the newspaper follows the Pope’s public activities, provides editorials by Catholic Church executives and publishes official Vatican documents) has extended its musical tastes to issue a list of what it considers to be the top ten pop and rock albums of all time. Amongst them is Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon. The paper said the 10 albums were the perfect listening material for anyone who found themselves marooned on a desert island. Here’s the full list in release date order.
Revolver – The Beatles
If I could Only Remember My Name – David Crosby
The Dark Side of the Moon – Pink Floyd
Rumours – Fleetwood Mac
The Nightfly – Donald Fagen
Thriller – Michael Jackson
Graceland – Paul Simon
Achtung Baby – U2
(What’s the story) Morning Glory – Oasis
Supernatural – Carlos Santana
City Wakes 2 In London Confirmed You may recall we reported last year that the organisers of The City Wakes were considering holding another event in London this year, following on from the success of the Cambridge event that was held in 2008. The good news is that the London event has now been confirmed for November. The exhibition of art, photography and letters will be bigger and better than the last ‘City Wakes’. Again, the organisers have the support of Syd’s sister, Rosemary and pledges from several old friends of Syd’s to show previously unseen pieces. There are also pledges to loan two considerable collections of letters. The intention is to mount the most comprehensive display of Syd’s work, and to provide some serious art interpretation. There will be twice the gallery space as previously, and more innovative and attractive display techniques. Keep tuned for more information as we get closer to the event.
Roger Records Old Classic Roger sprung a surprise on listeners of the Jim Ladd show show on 95.5 KLOS in Los Angeleson 18 Jan, when he produced a recording (made by him just days before) of the old classic protest song We Shall Overcome. The song was originally published in 1947 has been covered by many artists since, with perhaps the best known version being by Joan Baez in the 1960’s. Roger has of course been an outspoken critic on the plight of Palestinians living in the shadow of Israel’s controversial separation barrier and more recently has slammed the attack made on the people of Gaza by Israeli armed forces and the ongoing ‘illegal siege’ (Roger’s words). He fully supported the historic Gaza Freedom March on 31 December 2009, concluding his remarks about the march with “We Shall Overcome”. We wouldn’t be surprised to see Roger’s version of this song being used in some way to support his views on the Palestinian situation.
Roger Waters The Wall Tour 2010 & 2011 We continue to receive a steady stream of enquiries asking the latest on the possible Wall tour that Roger is contemplating taking out later this year (and probably 2011). All we can do is to advise you that the moment any news breaks you will read about it on AFG. We know this is building tremendous excitement (The Pink Floyd Forum can hardly contain itself!) and you do have our word that we are keeping nothing from you.
Nick Drums For Peace Nick Mason and the drummers from Radiohead (Phil Selway) and The Police (Stewart Copeland) along with Egyptian musicians Yehia Khalil and Mohammed Munir and Ghana’s Mustapha Tettey Addy are taking part in a “beat for peace” film that features a drumroll starting in Sudan and being picked up and passed like a baton between drummers in over 15 countries” – including Brazil, Egypt, France, Japan, South Africa and the United States.The Sudan 365 campaign, calls “on global leaders to take urgent diplomatic action over the next 365 days to prevent all-out conflict returning to Sudan”. (Thanks to Brad Noack for the heads up)
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